Who can make a TAC claim?

Accidents that happen in Victoria

You can make a claim if:

  • You, or someone you represent, was involved in an accident caused by the driving of a car, motorcycle, bus, train or tram, and
  • You, or someone you represent, was injured (including a mental injury) or died as a result of the accident.

Pedestrians and cyclists who were injured or died in accidents caused by the driving of a car, motorcycle, bus, train or tram are also covered.

Cyclists who collide with a stationary motor vehicle on or after 9 July 2014 are also covered.

Find out how to make a TAC claim

Interstate accidents

A claim can be made if:

  • A Victorian resident was injured or died in an interstate accident that involved a Victorian registered vehicle, or
  • A person was injured or died in an interstate accident and was in a Victorian registered vehicle.

See: How to make a TAC claim, Interstate (non-Victorian) accidents policy

If this does not apply to you, the TAC can still be liable to indemnify the driver of a Victorian registered vehicle in respect of any liability for injury or death arising out of your interstate accident.

A non-Victorian resident injured in an interstate accident involving a Victorian registered vehicle may have a claim against the TAC, especially when this vehicle is at fault. Claims for these accidents are usually limited to common law damages only, in accordance with the law of the state where the accident occurred.

Claim forms can be obtained from the relevant authority listed below for the state in which the accident occurred and then must be sent to Interstate claims, TAC Insurance, PO Box 742, Geelong 3220:

If a Victorian registered vehicle was not involved in your accident, please contact the relevant authority listed above for assistance in making your claim.

For general enquiries about interstate accidents involving Victorian registered vehicles, please telephone the TAC on 1300 654 329 and ask for the Senior Legal Manager, Interstate claims.

Mental injury only claims

A person in Victoria who has suffered a mental injury and:

  • was involved in a transport accident, or
  • is a bereaved family member or friend of a person who died in a transport accident, or
  • saw a transport accident, or
  • helped at the scene of a transport accident, or
  • saw the immediate aftermath of a transport accident

may be eligible to lodge a TAC claim.

Find out how to make a claim if you have suffered a diagnosed mental injury because of a transport accident in Victoria.

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