Mental health and wellbeing services

We can help pay for this treatment in the first 90 days after your accident. You do not need to contact us for approval first if:

  • you have a TAC claim number
  • your doctor or other health professional recommends it, and
  • it is for your accident injuries.

To get this treatment, you will need a referral from your doctor.

Mental health services include treatment or counselling from psychiatrists, psychologists, neuropsychologists, social workers or your family doctor.

When you access a TAC funded mental health service, we may ask your provider for a copy of your treatment plan. This helps us to understand the treatment you need and your progress.  It will also allow us to make decisions about what treatment we can pay for and how long we can pay for it.

In response to COVID-19, the TAC can now pay for telehealth appointments for treatment related to your transport accident. Find out more about telehealth.

We can also support immediate family members by paying for family counselling when a loved one dies or has a major injury.

Psychology and neuropsychology

If you need more than six psychology or neuropsychology sessions in the first 90 days after your accident, we will ask your psychologist to send us a mental health treatment plan. This plan outlines your progress, treatment goals and the need for more sessions.

We will review the plan and decide what further treatment you need how many more sessions we will pay for.

How to get a mental health service

  1. Go to your doctor for a referral to see a mental health provider.
  2. Choose a mental health provider. Your doctor can recommend one in your local area or you can search online for a psychiatrist, a psychologist or a mental health social worker.
  3. Call and make an appointment. Tell them you are a TAC client, you have a referral and who the referral is from. Ask if they charge at TAC rates. If the provider charges more, they may ask you for a 'gap payment' to make up the difference
  4. Go to your appointment and give the provider your TAC claim number.

When you need to ask for TAC approval:

Please contact us for approval if it is:

  • close to or more than 90 days since your accident and we haven’t already approved more treatment, or
  • more than 6 months since you’ve had any treatment or service paid for by the TAC.

Family counselling support

We can pay up to $20,020 (including GST) in family counselling support provided by a doctor, registered psychologist, or qualified social worker.

This support can be provided to a spouse, dependent partner, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother or sister of the person who died.

If the loss has resulted in mental injury to you or a family member, you may also be eligible to make a separate TAC claim. Please contact our Customer Service Centre on 1300 654 329 to discuss this option, or you can lodge a claim online.

How we pay for treatment

There are two ways we can pay for your approved treatments and services:

  • we pay your provider at the TAC rate
  • you pay your provider, and we repay you at the TAC rate.

To ask for a reimbursement, scan or take a photo of your receipt. Send it to us with the ‘Claim reimbursement’ button on myTAC, or by email to and we will repay you.

We will pay for your treatment at the TAC rate . If your provider charges more than the TAC rate, you may need to pay the difference. This is known as a 'gap payment'.

If your provider charges you a gap payment, you may be able to seek reimbursement for some of this through:

  • Medicare or your private health insurance
  • The TAC.

Please note, in most cases, we are unable to reimburse you for a gap payment. This is because we have paid for your treatment or service at a rate we have determined is reasonable. You may still ask for a reimbursement from the TAC and we will let you know our decision.

How can mental health and wellbeing services help?

Being involved in a transport accident can be a very emotional and challenging time. It's important that you get the right treatment, support and information to help you manage how you are feeling.

Psychologists are professionals trained in the science of how people think, feel, behave and learn. They provide assessment and therapy to clients about their mental health and wellbeing, such as for anxiety, depression and stress.

Neuropsychologists assess and treat people with brain disorders that affect memory, learning, attention, language, reading, problem-solving and decision-making

Psychiatrists are medical specialists who specialise in assessing mental and physical health in order to provide diagnosis, treatment and medication for mental health conditions.

Social workers are trained to support people with a range of issues including family problems, anxiety, depression, crisis and trauma.

Effective 1 July 2024

The TAC has extended the funding of temporary telehealth services previously scheduled to end on 30 September 2020 until further notice, giving clients the ongoing convenience and flexibility of accessing health services from home.

Psychology services can be invoiced online via HICAPS Digital Claims for next business day payments.

For Psychology services provided on or after 1 July 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item NumberMaximum Payment Rate
Hourly Rate
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
90000 $197.27
Hourly Rate - Telehealth
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
Group Rate (per person, up to 10 persons) 90007 $50.89
Family Counselling (up to the maximum allowance) 90001 $197.27
Family Counselling - Telehealth (up to the maximum allowance)90001T$197.27
Travelling for treatment
(prior approval required).
Pro-Rata rates in units of
15 minutes apply
90010 $197.27
Travel time claimed in association to an assessment of a client which is carried out at TAC's request. 
Pro-rata rates in units of 15 minutes apply.
90011* $217.14
Psychologist Standard Report TSP010* $325.66
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Plan 90050* $166.02
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Plan 90060* $221.37
Mental Health
This Way Up Clinic package
90070 $71.59
For Psychology services provided between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item NumberMaximum Payment Rate
Hourly Rate
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
90000 $190.03
Hourly Rate - Telehealth
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
Group Rate (per person, up to 10 persons) 90007 $49.02
Family Counselling (up to the maximum allowance) 90001 $190.03
Family Counselling - Telehealth (up to the maximum allowance)90001T$190.03
Travelling for treatment
(prior approval required).
Pro-Rata rates in units of
15 minutes apply
90010 $190.03
Travel time claimed in association to an assessment of a client which is carried out at TAC's request. 
Pro-rata rates in units of 15 minutes apply.
90011* $209.17
Psychologist Standard Report TSP010* $313.71
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Plan 90050* $159.93
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Plan 90060* $213.25
Mental Health
This Way Up Clinic package
90070 $68.96
For Psychology services performed by a provider who is not registered for GST
Not Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number2024/25 Maximum Payment Rate2023/24 Maximum Payment Rate
Travel time claimed in association to an assessment of a client which is carried out at TAC's request. 
Pro-rata rates in units of 15 minutes apply.
9GF011$197.39 $190.15
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Plan9GF050$148.03 $142.60
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Plan9GF060$201.25$193.86
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Review9GF055$148.03$142.60
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Review9GF065$148.03$142.60
For Psychology services provided on or after 1 July 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item NumberMaximum Payment Rate
Hourly Rate
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
90000 $197.27
Hourly Rate - Telehealth
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
Group Rate (per person, up to 10 persons) 90007 $50.89
Family Counselling (up to the maximum allowance) 90001 $197.27
Family Counselling - Telehealth (up to the maximum allowance)90001T$197.27
Travelling for treatment
(prior approval required).
Pro-Rata rates in units of
15 minutes apply
90010 $197.27
Travel time claimed in association to an assessment of a client which is carried out at TAC's request. 
Pro-rata rates in units of 15 minutes apply.
90011* $217.14
Psychologist Standard Report TSP010* $325.66
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Plan 90050* $166.02
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Plan 90060* $221.37
Mental Health
This Way Up Clinic package
90070 $71.59
For Psychology services provided between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item NumberMaximum Payment Rate
Hourly Rate
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
90000 $190.03
Hourly Rate - Telehealth
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
Group Rate (per person, up to 10 persons) 90007 $49.02
Family Counselling (up to the maximum allowance) 90001 $190.03
Family Counselling - Telehealth (up to the maximum allowance)90001T$190.03
Travelling for treatment
(prior approval required).
Pro-Rata rates in units of
15 minutes apply
90010 $190.03
Travel time claimed in association to an assessment of a client which is carried out at TAC's request. 
Pro-rata rates in units of 15 minutes apply.
90011* $209.17
Psychologist Standard Report TSP010* $313.71
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Plan 90050* $159.93
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Plan 90060* $213.25
Mental Health
This Way Up Clinic package
90070 $68.96
For Psychology services performed by a provider who is not registered for GST
Not Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number2024/25 Maximum Payment Rate2023/24 Maximum Payment Rate
Travel time claimed in association to an assessment of a client which is carried out at TAC's request. 
Pro-rata rates in units of 15 minutes apply.
9GF011$197.39 $190.15
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Plan9GF050$148.03 $142.60
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Plan9GF060$201.25$193.86
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Review9GF055$148.03$142.60
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Review9GF065$148.03$142.60

Effective 1 July 2024

The TAC has extended the funding of temporary telehealth services previously scheduled to end on 30 September 2020 until further notice, giving clients the ongoing convenience and flexibility of accessing their services from home.

Social work services can be invoiced online via HICAPS Digital Claims for next business day payments.

For social work services provided on or after 1 July 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number Maximum Payment
Individual Treatment
Initial Consultation SW600 $72.01
Standard Consultation: 
up to 30 minutes
SW602 $57.62
Long Consultation: 
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
SW604 $86.12
Prolonged Consultation: 
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
SW606 $115.07
Initial ConsultationSW600T$72.01
Standard Consultation:  
up to 30 minutes
Long Consultation:  
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
Prolonged Consultation:  
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
Group Treatment
Group Consultation
(per person)
SW602G $34.66
Travel (with prior approval) SW630 $115.07
All travel is to be separately billed in blocks of 15 minutes.
When submitting an account for payment, details of the time taken to complete the report must be recorded on the account.
SW640* $126.58
Travel claimed in relation to providing a report for management-type services such as reviews undertaken at the TAC's specific request, will incur a GST on the applicable TAC maximum fee.  SW641* $126.58
Travel time can be claimed only for travel to and from the practitioner's practice address and the TAC client's residence.  Where more than one client is visited in a single travel period, total travel costs should be apportioned equally between those clients to whom services have been provided.
For social work services provided between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number Maximum Payment
Individual Treatment
Initial Consultation SW600 $69.37
Standard Consultation: 
up to 30 minutes
SW602 $55.51
Long Consultation: 
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
SW604 $82.96
Prolonged Consultation: 
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
SW606 $110.85
Initial ConsultationSW600T$69.37
Standard Consultation:  
up to 30 minutes
Long Consultation:  
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
Prolonged Consultation:  
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
Group Treatment
Group Consultation
(per person)
SW602G $33.39
Travel (with prior approval) SW630 $110.85
All travel is to be separately billed in blocks of 15 minutes.
When submitting an account for payment, details of the time taken to complete the report must be recorded on the account.
SW640* $121.93
Travel claimed in relation to providing a report for management-type services such as reviews undertaken at the TAC's specific request, will incur a GST on the applicable TAC maximum fee.  SW641* $121.93
Travel time can be claimed only for travel to and from the practitioner's practice address and the TAC client's residence.  Where more than one client is visited in a single travel period, total travel costs should be apportioned equally between those clients to whom services have been provided.
For Social work services performed by a provider who is not registered for GST
Not Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number2024/25 Maximum Payment Rate2023/24 Maximum Payment Rate
When submitting an account for payment, details of the time taken to complete the report must be recorded on the account.
SW640F $115.07$110.85
Travel claimed in relation to providing a report for management-type services such as reviews undertaken at the TAC's specific request, will incur a GST on the applicable TAC maximum fee.  SW641F $115.07$110.85
Travel time can be claimed only for travel to and from the practitioner's practice address and the TAC client's residence.  Where more than one client is visited in a single travel period, total travel costs should be apportioned equally between those clients to whom services have been provided.
For social work services provided on or after 1 July 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number Maximum Payment
Individual Treatment
Initial Consultation SW600 $72.01
Standard Consultation: 
up to 30 minutes
SW602 $57.62
Long Consultation: 
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
SW604 $86.12
Prolonged Consultation: 
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
SW606 $115.07
Initial ConsultationSW600T$72.01
Standard Consultation:  
up to 30 minutes
Long Consultation:  
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
Prolonged Consultation:  
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
Group Treatment
Group Consultation
(per person)
SW602G $34.66
Travel (with prior approval) SW630 $115.07
All travel is to be separately billed in blocks of 15 minutes.
When submitting an account for payment, details of the time taken to complete the report must be recorded on the account.
SW640* $126.58
Travel claimed in relation to providing a report for management-type services such as reviews undertaken at the TAC's specific request, will incur a GST on the applicable TAC maximum fee.  SW641* $126.58
Travel time can be claimed only for travel to and from the practitioner's practice address and the TAC client's residence.  Where more than one client is visited in a single travel period, total travel costs should be apportioned equally between those clients to whom services have been provided.
For social work services provided between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number Maximum Payment
Individual Treatment
Initial Consultation SW600 $69.37
Standard Consultation: 
up to 30 minutes
SW602 $55.51
Long Consultation: 
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
SW604 $82.96
Prolonged Consultation: 
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
SW606 $110.85
Initial ConsultationSW600T$69.37
Standard Consultation:  
up to 30 minutes
Long Consultation:  
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
Prolonged Consultation:  
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
Group Treatment
Group Consultation
(per person)
SW602G $33.39
Travel (with prior approval) SW630 $110.85
All travel is to be separately billed in blocks of 15 minutes.
When submitting an account for payment, details of the time taken to complete the report must be recorded on the account.
SW640* $121.93
Travel claimed in relation to providing a report for management-type services such as reviews undertaken at the TAC's specific request, will incur a GST on the applicable TAC maximum fee.  SW641* $121.93
Travel time can be claimed only for travel to and from the practitioner's practice address and the TAC client's residence.  Where more than one client is visited in a single travel period, total travel costs should be apportioned equally between those clients to whom services have been provided.
For Social work services performed by a provider who is not registered for GST
Not Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number2024/25 Maximum Payment Rate2023/24 Maximum Payment Rate
When submitting an account for payment, details of the time taken to complete the report must be recorded on the account.
SW640F $115.07$110.85
Travel claimed in relation to providing a report for management-type services such as reviews undertaken at the TAC's specific request, will incur a GST on the applicable TAC maximum fee.  SW641F $115.07$110.85
Travel time can be claimed only for travel to and from the practitioner's practice address and the TAC client's residence.  Where more than one client is visited in a single travel period, total travel costs should be apportioned equally between those clients to whom services have been provided.

The TAC has adopted the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items, explanations, definitions, rules and conditions for services provided by medical practitioners.  When invoicing for medical services, medical practitioners are expected to adhere to the MBS rules unless otherwise specified by the TAC on the Reimbursement Rates for Medical Services information page or its medical policies.

The Reimbursement Rates for Medical Services must be read in conjunction with:

Current rates 

Important: The Excel spreadsheet includes all the temporary MBS COVID19 telehealth items payable by the TAC.  Last updated 19 November 2024.

For further information about TAC funded telehealth, please refer to our telehealth information page.

Current rates 

Important: The Excel spreadsheet includes all the temporary MBS COVID19 telehealth items payable by the TAC.  Last updated 19 November 2024.

For further information about TAC funded telehealth, please refer to our telehealth information page.

At the time of production this publication contained up to date information as released by Medicare Australia (Medicare).  The relevant publication will be updated to reflect any further changes that are implemented by Medicare each year.  Please check our website for the latest version.

If you have any questions about these publications or the reimbursement rates, please contact the TAC on 1300 654 329. Alternatively, e-mail


Digital mental health services provide information, support and resources. They can provide an easy, effective alternative to seeing a health professional in person.


E-therapy programs are generally free web-based support programs where people can access information and counselling to assist them in managing persistent pain or mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

E-therapy services are for people experiencing persistent pain, distress or mild to moderate symptoms of mental disorders, particularly stress and anxiousness or depressive like symptoms.

You might want to talk with your treating health practitioner or a mental health professional at the same time you're using an e-therapy service, or if you feel that your symptoms are not getting better during or after the service.

Generally most e-therapy programs are free. You should therefore contact the TAC before accessing any e-therapy service that requires payment.


After a car accident, it is normal to have feelings of anxiety and fear about driving.

If you think you do have anxiety about driving, there are things you can do to overcome it.


Peer support is when people share and receive practical information, experiences, emotional support with someone else on a similar journey.

Peer support options are generally free, person centred and aimed at helping people cope with a variety of health and social conditions.

While the TAC recognises that peer support programs can be a valuable support for our clients and encourages clients to participate, any costs related to a peer support program are payable by the client, including but not restricted to, attendance, access and transport.

Principles of peer support as outlined by the Department of Human Services are generally accepted as a guideline for things for users to look for when sourcing a peer support.

We’re here to help you get your life back on track and will pay for mental health services you need as a result of a transport accident.

We can pay for the following services provided in Australia:

  • psychology
  • neuropsychology
  • psychiatry
  • social work

In the first 90 days after your accident, the TAC can help pay for these services without the need for you to contact us for approval first.

When you need to contact us for approval

You or your provider need to contact the TAC for approval of these services if:

  • It is approaching or more than 90 days since your accident and we have not approved further treatment or services, or
  • It has been more than 6 months since you’ve had any treatment or service paid for by the TAC.

When we can pay for mental health and wellbeing services

In the first 90 days after your accident, we will pay for a consultation with your doctor to assess your needs. You do not need to contact us first. As part of that consultation, your doctor may refer you to a mental health service.

We can pay for your first six psychology or neuropsychology sessions at the TAC rate when recommended and required because of a transport accident injury.

If your treating psychologist recommends that you would benefit from more than six sessions your provider will need to complete and submit a Mental Health Treatment Plan. This plan outlines your treatment goals, outcome measures and recommends any additional sessions. When we receive the treatment plan we will review it and make a decision about further treatment and how many sessions we agree to pay for.

Where appropriate we will work with your treating team to help them organise the mental health services and support you need.

We may contact your provider of mental health services to discuss your progress or request an assessment to make sure that:

  • You have access to appropriate treatment and supports required for your transport accident injuries.
  • You are getting proven, evidence-based treatment and not receiving treatment that isn't helping you recover.
  • You are moving towards getting your life back on track or being able to live independently.

If you have developed a dependency condition as a result of your transport accident, your doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist may also recommend that you attend a drug or alcohol program.  Refer to the Alcohol and other drug services policy for further information.

Counselling for family members

We will support immediate family members by paying for family counselling if their loved one has died or is severely injured as a result of an accident. Contact us to check your eligibility.

We can also support immediate family members if a loved one has:

  • a significant acquired brain injury
  • paraplegia or quadriplegia
  • amputation of an arm or leg
  • burns to more than 50 percent of their body
  • permanent blindness
  • a brachial plexus injury.

Family counselling can only be provided by a psychologist, doctor or social worker and we can only pay up to the maximum amount of $20,020*.

If a family member has died, it may also be helpful to read our When a family member dies information. You can also call our Support Coordinators for help and advice on 1300 654 329 or toll free on 1800 332 556.

Treatment and services we can’t pay for

We can’t pay for services that:

  • Do not treat your transport accident injuries.
  • Are not reasonable, necessary or appropriate.
  • Are not clinically justified, safe and effective.

What do these services do?


Psychologists are educated in the science of how people feel, behave and react.  They can provide help with issues such as anxiety, depression, stress and eating disorders. Psychologists do not prescribe medications but use a number of evidence-based tests to determine the mental health and wellbeing of people.

Some psychologists specialise in neuropsychology, which studies the relationship between behaviour, emotion, cognition and brain function. This can be helpful for assessing, managing and rehabilitating people who have suffered a transport accident injury that has caused neurocognitive problems.


A psychiatrist is a medical specialist who can diagnose and treat mental health issues and emotional problems that you may experience as a result of your transport accident injuries. They use a range of approaches such as therapy, counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy to help you. They are able to prescribe medication.

Social workers

Social workers are trained to support people that are experiencing family problems, anxiety, depression, crisis and trauma. These may occur as a result of transport accident injuries. Social workers can also provide information and support to people who have mental health issues and require counselling.

For more information, see:

How treatments and services are paid for

We pay for your treatments:

  • Directly to your psychologist, psychiatrist or social worker, when you have given them your TAC claim number, or
  • If you have to pay, use myTAC to send a copy of your receipt to us and we will repay you.

We pay for your services in line with our responsibilities under the Transport Accident Act 1986.

How much we will pay

We will pay for your treatment and services according to our fee schedule. If your hospital charges more than the TAC rate, you may need to pay the difference.

See: TAC rates related to mental health and wellbeing services.

For accidents that happened before 14 February 2018, we can only pay for psychiatry and psychology services once any required medical excess has been reached. Find out if the medical excess applies to you.

For providers

If you are a provider of mental health services, please refer to the related Provider Guideline:

* This amount applies when a claim for family counselling is made for the first time on or after 1 July 2024.

We can help pay for this treatment in the first 90 days after your accident. You do not need to contact us for approval first if:

  • you have a TAC claim number
  • your doctor or other health professional recommends it, and
  • it is for your accident injuries.

To get this treatment, you will need a referral from your doctor.

Mental health services include treatment or counselling from psychiatrists, psychologists, neuropsychologists, social workers or your family doctor.

When you access a TAC funded mental health service, we may ask your provider for a copy of your treatment plan. This helps us to understand the treatment you need and your progress.  It will also allow us to make decisions about what treatment we can pay for and how long we can pay for it.

In response to COVID-19, the TAC can now pay for telehealth appointments for treatment related to your transport accident. Find out more about telehealth.

We can also support immediate family members by paying for family counselling when a loved one dies or has a major injury.

Psychology and neuropsychology

If you need more than six psychology or neuropsychology sessions in the first 90 days after your accident, we will ask your psychologist to send us a mental health treatment plan. This plan outlines your progress, treatment goals and the need for more sessions.

We will review the plan and decide what further treatment you need how many more sessions we will pay for.

How to get a mental health service

  1. Go to your doctor for a referral to see a mental health provider.
  2. Choose a mental health provider. Your doctor can recommend one in your local area or you can search online for a psychiatrist, a psychologist or a mental health social worker.
  3. Call and make an appointment. Tell them you are a TAC client, you have a referral and who the referral is from. Ask if they charge at TAC rates. If the provider charges more, they may ask you for a 'gap payment' to make up the difference
  4. Go to your appointment and give the provider your TAC claim number.

When you need to ask for TAC approval:

Please contact us for approval if it is:

  • close to or more than 90 days since your accident and we haven’t already approved more treatment, or
  • more than 6 months since you’ve had any treatment or service paid for by the TAC.

Family counselling support

We can pay up to $20,020 (including GST) in family counselling support provided by a doctor, registered psychologist, or qualified social worker.

This support can be provided to a spouse, dependent partner, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother or sister of the person who died.

If the loss has resulted in mental injury to you or a family member, you may also be eligible to make a separate TAC claim. Please contact our Customer Service Centre on 1300 654 329 to discuss this option, or you can lodge a claim online.

How we pay for treatment

There are two ways we can pay for your approved treatments and services:

  • we pay your provider at the TAC rate
  • you pay your provider, and we repay you at the TAC rate.

To ask for a reimbursement, scan or take a photo of your receipt. Send it to us with the ‘Claim reimbursement’ button on myTAC, or by email to and we will repay you.

We will pay for your treatment at the TAC rate . If your provider charges more than the TAC rate, you may need to pay the difference. This is known as a 'gap payment'.

If your provider charges you a gap payment, you may be able to seek reimbursement for some of this through:

  • Medicare or your private health insurance
  • The TAC.

Please note, in most cases, we are unable to reimburse you for a gap payment. This is because we have paid for your treatment or service at a rate we have determined is reasonable. You may still ask for a reimbursement from the TAC and we will let you know our decision.

How can mental health and wellbeing services help?

Being involved in a transport accident can be a very emotional and challenging time. It's important that you get the right treatment, support and information to help you manage how you are feeling.

Psychologists are professionals trained in the science of how people think, feel, behave and learn. They provide assessment and therapy to clients about their mental health and wellbeing, such as for anxiety, depression and stress.

Neuropsychologists assess and treat people with brain disorders that affect memory, learning, attention, language, reading, problem-solving and decision-making

Psychiatrists are medical specialists who specialise in assessing mental and physical health in order to provide diagnosis, treatment and medication for mental health conditions.

Social workers are trained to support people with a range of issues including family problems, anxiety, depression, crisis and trauma.

Effective 1 July 2024

The TAC has extended the funding of temporary telehealth services previously scheduled to end on 30 September 2020 until further notice, giving clients the ongoing convenience and flexibility of accessing health services from home.

Psychology services can be invoiced online via HICAPS Digital Claims for next business day payments.

For Psychology services provided on or after 1 July 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item NumberMaximum Payment Rate
Hourly Rate
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
90000 $197.27
Hourly Rate - Telehealth
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
Group Rate (per person, up to 10 persons) 90007 $50.89
Family Counselling (up to the maximum allowance) 90001 $197.27
Family Counselling - Telehealth (up to the maximum allowance)90001T$197.27
Travelling for treatment
(prior approval required).
Pro-Rata rates in units of
15 minutes apply
90010 $197.27
Travel time claimed in association to an assessment of a client which is carried out at TAC's request. 
Pro-rata rates in units of 15 minutes apply.
90011* $217.14
Psychologist Standard Report TSP010* $325.66
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Plan 90050* $166.02
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Plan 90060* $221.37
Mental Health
This Way Up Clinic package
90070 $71.59
For Psychology services provided between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item NumberMaximum Payment Rate
Hourly Rate
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
90000 $190.03
Hourly Rate - Telehealth
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
Group Rate (per person, up to 10 persons) 90007 $49.02
Family Counselling (up to the maximum allowance) 90001 $190.03
Family Counselling - Telehealth (up to the maximum allowance)90001T$190.03
Travelling for treatment
(prior approval required).
Pro-Rata rates in units of
15 minutes apply
90010 $190.03
Travel time claimed in association to an assessment of a client which is carried out at TAC's request. 
Pro-rata rates in units of 15 minutes apply.
90011* $209.17
Psychologist Standard Report TSP010* $313.71
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Plan 90050* $159.93
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Plan 90060* $213.25
Mental Health
This Way Up Clinic package
90070 $68.96
For Psychology services performed by a provider who is not registered for GST
Not Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number2024/25 Maximum Payment Rate2023/24 Maximum Payment Rate
Travel time claimed in association to an assessment of a client which is carried out at TAC's request. 
Pro-rata rates in units of 15 minutes apply.
9GF011$197.39 $190.15
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Plan9GF050$148.03 $142.60
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Plan9GF060$201.25$193.86
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Review9GF055$148.03$142.60
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Review9GF065$148.03$142.60
For Psychology services provided on or after 1 July 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item NumberMaximum Payment Rate
Hourly Rate
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
90000 $197.27
Hourly Rate - Telehealth
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
Group Rate (per person, up to 10 persons) 90007 $50.89
Family Counselling (up to the maximum allowance) 90001 $197.27
Family Counselling - Telehealth (up to the maximum allowance)90001T$197.27
Travelling for treatment
(prior approval required).
Pro-Rata rates in units of
15 minutes apply
90010 $197.27
Travel time claimed in association to an assessment of a client which is carried out at TAC's request. 
Pro-rata rates in units of 15 minutes apply.
90011* $217.14
Psychologist Standard Report TSP010* $325.66
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Plan 90050* $166.02
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Plan 90060* $221.37
Mental Health
This Way Up Clinic package
90070 $71.59
For Psychology services provided between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item NumberMaximum Payment Rate
Hourly Rate
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
90000 $190.03
Hourly Rate - Telehealth
Pro rata in units of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour.
Any consultations greater than one hour will require pre-approval  from TAC.
Group Rate (per person, up to 10 persons) 90007 $49.02
Family Counselling (up to the maximum allowance) 90001 $190.03
Family Counselling - Telehealth (up to the maximum allowance)90001T$190.03
Travelling for treatment
(prior approval required).
Pro-Rata rates in units of
15 minutes apply
90010 $190.03
Travel time claimed in association to an assessment of a client which is carried out at TAC's request. 
Pro-rata rates in units of 15 minutes apply.
90011* $209.17
Psychologist Standard Report TSP010* $313.71
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Plan 90050* $159.93
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Plan 90060* $213.25
Mental Health
This Way Up Clinic package
90070 $68.96
For Psychology services performed by a provider who is not registered for GST
Not Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number2024/25 Maximum Payment Rate2023/24 Maximum Payment Rate
Travel time claimed in association to an assessment of a client which is carried out at TAC's request. 
Pro-rata rates in units of 15 minutes apply.
9GF011$197.39 $190.15
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Plan9GF050$148.03 $142.60
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Plan9GF060$201.25$193.86
Mental Health (Psychology) Treatment Review9GF055$148.03$142.60
Mental Health (Neuropsychology) Treatment Review9GF065$148.03$142.60

Effective 1 July 2024

The TAC has extended the funding of temporary telehealth services previously scheduled to end on 30 September 2020 until further notice, giving clients the ongoing convenience and flexibility of accessing their services from home.

Social work services can be invoiced online via HICAPS Digital Claims for next business day payments.

For social work services provided on or after 1 July 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number Maximum Payment
Individual Treatment
Initial Consultation SW600 $72.01
Standard Consultation: 
up to 30 minutes
SW602 $57.62
Long Consultation: 
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
SW604 $86.12
Prolonged Consultation: 
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
SW606 $115.07
Initial ConsultationSW600T$72.01
Standard Consultation:  
up to 30 minutes
Long Consultation:  
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
Prolonged Consultation:  
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
Group Treatment
Group Consultation
(per person)
SW602G $34.66
Travel (with prior approval) SW630 $115.07
All travel is to be separately billed in blocks of 15 minutes.
When submitting an account for payment, details of the time taken to complete the report must be recorded on the account.
SW640* $126.58
Travel claimed in relation to providing a report for management-type services such as reviews undertaken at the TAC's specific request, will incur a GST on the applicable TAC maximum fee.  SW641* $126.58
Travel time can be claimed only for travel to and from the practitioner's practice address and the TAC client's residence.  Where more than one client is visited in a single travel period, total travel costs should be apportioned equally between those clients to whom services have been provided.
For social work services provided between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number Maximum Payment
Individual Treatment
Initial Consultation SW600 $69.37
Standard Consultation: 
up to 30 minutes
SW602 $55.51
Long Consultation: 
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
SW604 $82.96
Prolonged Consultation: 
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
SW606 $110.85
Initial ConsultationSW600T$69.37
Standard Consultation:  
up to 30 minutes
Long Consultation:  
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
Prolonged Consultation:  
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
Group Treatment
Group Consultation
(per person)
SW602G $33.39
Travel (with prior approval) SW630 $110.85
All travel is to be separately billed in blocks of 15 minutes.
When submitting an account for payment, details of the time taken to complete the report must be recorded on the account.
SW640* $121.93
Travel claimed in relation to providing a report for management-type services such as reviews undertaken at the TAC's specific request, will incur a GST on the applicable TAC maximum fee.  SW641* $121.93
Travel time can be claimed only for travel to and from the practitioner's practice address and the TAC client's residence.  Where more than one client is visited in a single travel period, total travel costs should be apportioned equally between those clients to whom services have been provided.
For Social work services performed by a provider who is not registered for GST
Not Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number2024/25 Maximum Payment Rate2023/24 Maximum Payment Rate
When submitting an account for payment, details of the time taken to complete the report must be recorded on the account.
SW640F $115.07$110.85
Travel claimed in relation to providing a report for management-type services such as reviews undertaken at the TAC's specific request, will incur a GST on the applicable TAC maximum fee.  SW641F $115.07$110.85
Travel time can be claimed only for travel to and from the practitioner's practice address and the TAC client's residence.  Where more than one client is visited in a single travel period, total travel costs should be apportioned equally between those clients to whom services have been provided.
For social work services provided on or after 1 July 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number Maximum Payment
Individual Treatment
Initial Consultation SW600 $72.01
Standard Consultation: 
up to 30 minutes
SW602 $57.62
Long Consultation: 
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
SW604 $86.12
Prolonged Consultation: 
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
SW606 $115.07
Initial ConsultationSW600T$72.01
Standard Consultation:  
up to 30 minutes
Long Consultation:  
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
Prolonged Consultation:  
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
Group Treatment
Group Consultation
(per person)
SW602G $34.66
Travel (with prior approval) SW630 $115.07
All travel is to be separately billed in blocks of 15 minutes.
When submitting an account for payment, details of the time taken to complete the report must be recorded on the account.
SW640* $126.58
Travel claimed in relation to providing a report for management-type services such as reviews undertaken at the TAC's specific request, will incur a GST on the applicable TAC maximum fee.  SW641* $126.58
Travel time can be claimed only for travel to and from the practitioner's practice address and the TAC client's residence.  Where more than one client is visited in a single travel period, total travel costs should be apportioned equally between those clients to whom services have been provided.
For social work services provided between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024
Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number Maximum Payment
Individual Treatment
Initial Consultation SW600 $69.37
Standard Consultation: 
up to 30 minutes
SW602 $55.51
Long Consultation: 
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
SW604 $82.96
Prolonged Consultation: 
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
SW606 $110.85
Initial ConsultationSW600T$69.37
Standard Consultation:  
up to 30 minutes
Long Consultation:  
> 30 minutes < 45 minutes
Prolonged Consultation:  
> 45 minutes < 60 minutes
Group Treatment
Group Consultation
(per person)
SW602G $33.39
Travel (with prior approval) SW630 $110.85
All travel is to be separately billed in blocks of 15 minutes.
When submitting an account for payment, details of the time taken to complete the report must be recorded on the account.
SW640* $121.93
Travel claimed in relation to providing a report for management-type services such as reviews undertaken at the TAC's specific request, will incur a GST on the applicable TAC maximum fee.  SW641* $121.93
Travel time can be claimed only for travel to and from the practitioner's practice address and the TAC client's residence.  Where more than one client is visited in a single travel period, total travel costs should be apportioned equally between those clients to whom services have been provided.
For Social work services performed by a provider who is not registered for GST
Not Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number2024/25 Maximum Payment Rate2023/24 Maximum Payment Rate
When submitting an account for payment, details of the time taken to complete the report must be recorded on the account.
SW640F $115.07$110.85
Travel claimed in relation to providing a report for management-type services such as reviews undertaken at the TAC's specific request, will incur a GST on the applicable TAC maximum fee.  SW641F $115.07$110.85
Travel time can be claimed only for travel to and from the practitioner's practice address and the TAC client's residence.  Where more than one client is visited in a single travel period, total travel costs should be apportioned equally between those clients to whom services have been provided.

The TAC has adopted the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items, explanations, definitions, rules and conditions for services provided by medical practitioners.  When invoicing for medical services, medical practitioners are expected to adhere to the MBS rules unless otherwise specified by the TAC on the Reimbursement Rates for Medical Services information page or its medical policies.

The Reimbursement Rates for Medical Services must be read in conjunction with:

Current rates 

Important: The Excel spreadsheet includes all the temporary MBS COVID19 telehealth items payable by the TAC.  Last updated 19 November 2024.

For further information about TAC funded telehealth, please refer to our telehealth information page.

Current rates 

Important: The Excel spreadsheet includes all the temporary MBS COVID19 telehealth items payable by the TAC.  Last updated 19 November 2024.

For further information about TAC funded telehealth, please refer to our telehealth information page.

At the time of production this publication contained up to date information as released by Medicare Australia (Medicare).  The relevant publication will be updated to reflect any further changes that are implemented by Medicare each year.  Please check our website for the latest version.

If you have any questions about these publications or the reimbursement rates, please contact the TAC on 1300 654 329. Alternatively, e-mail


Digital mental health services provide information, support and resources. They can provide an easy, effective alternative to seeing a health professional in person.


E-therapy programs are generally free web-based support programs where people can access information and counselling to assist them in managing persistent pain or mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

E-therapy services are for people experiencing persistent pain, distress or mild to moderate symptoms of mental disorders, particularly stress and anxiousness or depressive like symptoms.

You might want to talk with your treating health practitioner or a mental health professional at the same time you're using an e-therapy service, or if you feel that your symptoms are not getting better during or after the service.

Generally most e-therapy programs are free. You should therefore contact the TAC before accessing any e-therapy service that requires payment.


After a car accident, it is normal to have feelings of anxiety and fear about driving.

If you think you do have anxiety about driving, there are things you can do to overcome it.


Peer support is when people share and receive practical information, experiences, emotional support with someone else on a similar journey.

Peer support options are generally free, person centred and aimed at helping people cope with a variety of health and social conditions.

While the TAC recognises that peer support programs can be a valuable support for our clients and encourages clients to participate, any costs related to a peer support program are payable by the client, including but not restricted to, attendance, access and transport.

Principles of peer support as outlined by the Department of Human Services are generally accepted as a guideline for things for users to look for when sourcing a peer support.

We’re here to help you get your life back on track and will pay for mental health services you need as a result of a transport accident.

We can pay for the following services provided in Australia:

  • psychology
  • neuropsychology
  • psychiatry
  • social work

In the first 90 days after your accident, the TAC can help pay for these services without the need for you to contact us for approval first.

When you need to contact us for approval

You or your provider need to contact the TAC for approval of these services if:

  • It is approaching or more than 90 days since your accident and we have not approved further treatment or services, or
  • It has been more than 6 months since you’ve had any treatment or service paid for by the TAC.

When we can pay for mental health and wellbeing services

In the first 90 days after your accident, we will pay for a consultation with your doctor to assess your needs. You do not need to contact us first. As part of that consultation, your doctor may refer you to a mental health service.

We can pay for your first six psychology or neuropsychology sessions at the TAC rate when recommended and required because of a transport accident injury.

If your treating psychologist recommends that you would benefit from more than six sessions your provider will need to complete and submit a Mental Health Treatment Plan. This plan outlines your treatment goals, outcome measures and recommends any additional sessions. When we receive the treatment plan we will review it and make a decision about further treatment and how many sessions we agree to pay for.

Where appropriate we will work with your treating team to help them organise the mental health services and support you need.

We may contact your provider of mental health services to discuss your progress or request an assessment to make sure that:

  • You have access to appropriate treatment and supports required for your transport accident injuries.
  • You are getting proven, evidence-based treatment and not receiving treatment that isn't helping you recover.
  • You are moving towards getting your life back on track or being able to live independently.

If you have developed a dependency condition as a result of your transport accident, your doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist may also recommend that you attend a drug or alcohol program.  Refer to the Alcohol and other drug services policy for further information.

Counselling for family members

We will support immediate family members by paying for family counselling if their loved one has died or is severely injured as a result of an accident. Contact us to check your eligibility.

We can also support immediate family members if a loved one has:

  • a significant acquired brain injury
  • paraplegia or quadriplegia
  • amputation of an arm or leg
  • burns to more than 50 percent of their body
  • permanent blindness
  • a brachial plexus injury.

Family counselling can only be provided by a psychologist, doctor or social worker and we can only pay up to the maximum amount of $20,020*.

If a family member has died, it may also be helpful to read our When a family member dies information. You can also call our Support Coordinators for help and advice on 1300 654 329 or toll free on 1800 332 556.

Treatment and services we can’t pay for

We can’t pay for services that:

  • Do not treat your transport accident injuries.
  • Are not reasonable, necessary or appropriate.
  • Are not clinically justified, safe and effective.

What do these services do?


Psychologists are educated in the science of how people feel, behave and react.  They can provide help with issues such as anxiety, depression, stress and eating disorders. Psychologists do not prescribe medications but use a number of evidence-based tests to determine the mental health and wellbeing of people.

Some psychologists specialise in neuropsychology, which studies the relationship between behaviour, emotion, cognition and brain function. This can be helpful for assessing, managing and rehabilitating people who have suffered a transport accident injury that has caused neurocognitive problems.


A psychiatrist is a medical specialist who can diagnose and treat mental health issues and emotional problems that you may experience as a result of your transport accident injuries. They use a range of approaches such as therapy, counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy to help you. They are able to prescribe medication.

Social workers

Social workers are trained to support people that are experiencing family problems, anxiety, depression, crisis and trauma. These may occur as a result of transport accident injuries. Social workers can also provide information and support to people who have mental health issues and require counselling.

For more information, see:

How treatments and services are paid for

We pay for your treatments:

  • Directly to your psychologist, psychiatrist or social worker, when you have given them your TAC claim number, or
  • If you have to pay, use myTAC to send a copy of your receipt to us and we will repay you.

We pay for your services in line with our responsibilities under the Transport Accident Act 1986.

How much we will pay

We will pay for your treatment and services according to our fee schedule. If your hospital charges more than the TAC rate, you may need to pay the difference.

See: TAC rates related to mental health and wellbeing services.

For accidents that happened before 14 February 2018, we can only pay for psychiatry and psychology services once any required medical excess has been reached. Find out if the medical excess applies to you.

For providers

If you are a provider of mental health services, please refer to the related Provider Guideline:

* This amount applies when a claim for family counselling is made for the first time on or after 1 July 2024.

See what else we can pay for