
Social investment by the TAC

Sponsorships are an important part of the way the TAC promotes road safety and supports those injured on our roads to get their lives back on track.

TAC sponsorships provide our partners with funds to make a positive impact in the community and to promote road safety messages to key audiences.

TAC Sponsorship Program

Thank you for your interest in the TAC Sponsorship Program.  Applications for the 2024 round have now closed. Outcomes of the round have been shared with all applicants and we're now onboarding those on the shortlist.

For all further updates, follow us on LinkedIn. Information on future sponsorship rounds will be updated on this page.

Please contact us at askus@tac.vic.gov.au if you have any questions.

The 2024 application guidelines can be seen below.

Commercial Sponsorships

Our Commercial Sponsorships allow us to work collaboratively with select partners, helping us engage with our priority audiences.

There are two commercial sponsorship opportunities:

  • Stream A: Road safety behaviour
  • Stream B: Enhance outcomes for people affected by road trauma.

Read more about Commercial Sponsorships.

Geelong Region Sponsorships

These sponsorships empower groups and organisations to be leaders and ambassadors for road safety within the Geelong region with their respective audience and networks.

Read more about Geelong Region Sponsorships.

Frequently asked questions

Can I apply outside of the application round?

There is one round each year and applications for sponsorship must be submitted during the application period to be eligible.

Does the organisation need to be based in Victoria to be eligible for sponsorship?

No, however the TAC is focused on Victorian road safety, so the proposal must meet the relevant strategic priorities detailed in the sponsorship application guidelines to be eligible.

When will applicants be notified of the outcome?

Applications closed on 21 August 2024.  Applicants have been notified of the outcome.

If my proposal is not successful this year, can I apply again next year?

In most cases yes, but we suggest reviewing the sponsorship application guidelines to see how your proposal aligns to the assessment criteria.

How long will it take to complete an application?

The time is takes to complete an application will vary between each proposal. Please allow plenty of time, avoid leaving it until the last day to submit, and ensure you have all the necessary supporting documents uploaded.

Will my event or proposal receive the amount of sponsorship it’s received in the past?

The TAC has introduced an Expression Of Interest (EOI) for sponsorship to ensure that the assessment process is fair and equitable, this means that sponsorship is not necessarily guaranteed. The sponsorship is based on the application received, and is assessed against a set of weighted criteria.

Should we submit one application for multiple events/initiatives or should we submit one application per event/initiative?

Please submit one application inclusive of all activity in your proposal.

What are some examples of current or previous TAC sponsorship campaigns?

We are seeking innovative applications from new and existing rights holders. For some examples of current and past sponsorship activity, you can view the Country Racing Victoria ‘ready’ campaign on the TAC website, AFL Victoria Club Rewards or Always Live – Keep the Band Together.

Am I eligible for sponsorship?

Please make yourself familiar with the eligibility and ineligibility criteria detailed in the application guidelines. Please also view the TAC grants program webpage for community-based road safety programs to determine if this is more suitable.

Can I apply for sponsorship under more than one sponsorship stream?

We encourage you to select the most appropriate stream to apply for sponsorship. When assessing applications, we reserve the right to allocate the application under a different stream if it is deemed more appropriate.

Can my local sporting or recreation club apply for sponsorship?

Local sporting or recreation clubs are ineligible for sponsorship. However, we encourage you to collaborate with your governing body should you wish to submit an application. Current examples of local club sponsorship with the TAC are via regional, state or national bodies. These include the likes of AFL Victoria, Victorian Tourism Industry Council, Golf Australia and Country Racing Victoria.

Is there specific criteria attached to the different tiers of sponsorship?

Sponsorship investment will be based on a number of factors including total weighted assessment score, opportunity on offer, strategic alignment, and the assets available.

Is there a timeframe for commencement of activity?

The TAC’s assessment and review processes are thorough to ensure all applications are considered fairly. It is expected that interim outcomes will be shared in October, with finer negotiation, endorsement and contractual processes to follow. Please consider your applications carefully to ensure alignment with these anticipated timelines.