Complaints and compliments

Your feedback plays an important role in helping us to monitor, evaluate and improve our service to the community.

If you would like to send a complaint or compliment to the TAC, you can:

More information about our complaints and compliments process is below.

The TAC's complaints process

We know things don't always go the way they should. When you raise an issue with us, we'll address it as quickly as possible. In the event that it takes longer to investigate and respond to your concerns we'll be sure to keep you regularly updated.

Our Complaints team will work with you in a positive, honest and professional manner. We encourage you to engage with us in the same way. We value your feedback and we will do everything we can to help with your concerns.

Who you should contact if you are dissatisfied with our service

The TAC has a three step approach to complaints:

  1. A good place to start is to speak with a Customer Service Officer or a TAC Claims staff member who can help resolve your concerns.
  2. If you remain dissatisfied, you can ask to speak to their Team Manager.
  3. If you would like to take your complaint further, you can ask the TAC’s Complaints Team to investigate. We will acknowledge and/or respond to written complaints within 28 business days. We aim to resolve your concerns as soon as possible. In some circumstances, we may refer your complaint back to a Team Manager if appropriate.  At other times, however, we may require more time to properly investigate your concerns. We will keep you updated on the progress of your complaint and if necessary, a written response will be provided on conclusion of the complaint investigation.

What our Complaints team will do to help resolve your issue

When our Complaints team receives a complaint, a Complaints Specialist will:

  • document your concerns,
  • investigate your complaint,
  • keep you up to date, and
  • make sure we let you know about the action taken and the outcome.

If you are still not satisfied with how the TAC has managed your issue

For issues about the TAC's level of service and how we deal with you, you can talk to a representative of the office of Ombudsman Victoria.

The Ombudsman can investigate complaints made about the administrative actions of Victorian government bodies, such as the TAC.

The TAC cooperates with all enquiries made by the Ombudsman Victoria.

You can contact Ombudsman Victoria on 03 9613 6222 (toll free - 1800 806 314), or by email at

If your complaint is about a claims decision, more information about your options is available here.

You can call us on 1300 654 329 and ask to speak to someone about your issue, or you can lodge a complaint with the TAC.

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