Prosecution Report - Client M


1 charge of providing false or misleading information pursuant to s117 of The Transport Accident Act 1986.

Plea: Guilty


The Magistrates sentenced the accused to an adjourned undertaking, without conviction, with conditions to make a donation of $450 to the Court Fund and be of good behaviour for a period of 12 months.  The accused was also ordered to pay costs to the TAC of $3,942 which was referred to Fines Victoria.


The accused submitted travel declarations claiming taxi travel to/from various medical appointments. TAC claims identified that it was not funding the medical services provided at the claimed appointments and subsequently identified that all of the travel declarations were supported by a large number of handwritten receipts.  In her sentencing remarks, the Magistrates outlined to the accused that the TAC scheme is intended to benefit victims of transport accidents and it is incumbent on all TAC claimants to act honestly in their dealings with TAC - something which the accused had very clearly failed to do in relation to the travel expense claims.

Restitution: $Nil
Statutory Costs:$Nil
Professional Costs: $3,942
