Prosecution Report - Client Q


1 charge of attempting to fraudulently obtaining benefits pursuant to s116 of the Transport Accident Act 1986 and 1 charge of fraudulently obtaining travel benefits pursuant to s116 of the Transport Accident Act 1986.

Plea: Guilty


The accused was then fined $1,000.00 without conviction and ordered to pay TAC $165.80 compensation/restitution.


The accused was charged with attempting to fraudulently obtain benefits by providing the TAC with a false/forged pre-accident “Offer of Employment” letter in an attempt to boost the benefit rate, as well as fraudulently obtaining travel benefits by misuse of a 13CABS taxi code for personal travel.  The Magistrate granted the accused leave to have the matter heard ex-parte.  The Magistrate noted that while the accused was not in attendance a message of general deterrence needed to be sent.  However, given the accused’s lack of criminal history and relatively low level offending for these types of matters she would impose a penalty without conviction.

Restitution: $165.80
Statutory Costs:$
Professional Costs: $
