Prosecution Report - Client S


2 charges of fraudulent obtaining Loss of Earnings and Loss of Earning Capacity benefits pursuant to s116 of the Transport Accident Act 1986.

Plea: Guilty


The accused was sentenced to a 12 month Community Corrections Order with conditions to undertake 100 hours of unpaid community work and a treatment and rehabilitation program for mental health. The order was imposed with conviction and the accused was also ordered to pay the TAC $48,517 in compensation and professional costs of $1,600.


The accused lodged certificates of capacity falsely stating no capacity to return to work and/or that the accused had not returned to work when in fact the accused had returned to work in a food truck business.  The matter was previously heard before His Honour on 7 October 2022 when the plea was entered and submissions on behalf of the accused and the TAC were made. The matter was adjourned to 12 December to have the accused assessed for a Community Corrections Order.

Restitution: $48,517
Statutory Costs:$
Professional Costs: $1,600
