Prosecution Report - Harrison L


One charge of fraudulently obtaining benefits (LOE) under section 116, one charge of fraudulently obtaining benefits (LOEC) under section 116 and one charge of providing false or misleading information under section 117, all rolled up charges.

Plea: Guilty


The magistrate with conviction sentenced the accused to an 18 month Community corrections Order (200 hours of unpaid community work) and that the accused undergo a mental health assessment and treatment. The magistrate also order the accused to repay the amount of $94,811.01 and to pay the TAC’s professional costs of $1,986.


The accused after some time off to recover from the accident injuries returned to work with his pre-accident employer but failed to advise TAC of this employment activity. In this time the accused was undertaking employment activities whilst representing to the TAC via Certificates of Capacity that the accused had not returned to work.

Payable to TAC

Restitution: $94,811.01Yes
Total Fines:$N/A
Statutory Costs:$N/A
Professional Costs: $1,986Yes
