Prosecution Report - Melody S


8 charges of supplying false or misleading information under s117 of The Transport Accident Act 1986.

Plea: Guilty


The magistrate with conviction placed the accused on a 12 month Community Corrections Order with conditions that the accused perform 160 hours of unpaid work; undergo assessment and treatment for mental health issues; undergo programs to prevent re-offending and be supervised by the Office of Corrections. The magistrate also ordered the accused repay the TAC the money improperly obtained in the amount of $43,859.40.


The accused was the legal guardian of a dependent child whose father had been killed in a fatal transport accident. As the legal guardian the accused was receiving surviving dependent child benefits on behalf of the surviving child. However, despite making numerous representations to the TAC that the accused was still caring for the child this was not the case as the accused was not actually caring for the child.

Payable to TAC

Restitution: $43,859.40Yes
Total Fines:$N/A
Statutory Costs:$N/A
Professional Costs: $N/A
