Prosecution Report - Olivia A


1 charge of fraudulent obtaining Loss of Earnings benefits pursuant to s116 of the Transport Accident Act 1986 and 1 charge of providing false or misleading information pursuant to s117 of The Transport Accident Act 1986.

Plea: Guilty


The Magistrate imposed a community corrections order for a period of 12 months (with conviction), with the accused to undertake 150 hours of community service and ordered to repay the fraudulently obtained benefits in the sum of $56,128.54.


The accused fraudulently submitted certificates of capacity signed by a GP. Clinical records of the GP revealed that the accused had not consulted with the GP at all post accident, and that she had only attended the clinic on one occasion post-accident in total in relation to an unrelated issue.

Payable to TAC

Restitution: $56,128.54Yes
Total Fines:$N/A
Statutory Costs:$N/A
Professional Costs: $N/A
