Prosecution Report - Reece H


One charge of fraudulently obtaining benefits pursuant to s116 of The Transport Accident Act 1986.

Plea: Guilty


The magistrate with conviction sentenced the accused to an 18 month Community Corrections Order with conditions that the accused be under the supervision of the Office of Corrections, perform 100 hours of unpaid community work, undergo assessment and treatment for drug issues and undertake offender rehabilitation programs. The accused was also ordered to pay compensation to the TAC in the amount of $25,978.40.


The accused provided the TAC with false information on the basis that the accused provided TAC with false/forged pre-accident employment documents to substantiate that the accused was an earner pre accident and hence entitled to Loss of Earnings benefits.

Payable to TAC

Restitution: $25,978.40Yes
Total Fines:$N/A
Statutory Costs:$N/A
Professional Costs: $N/A
