Prosecution Report - Seyed G


1 charge of fraudulently obtaining benefits contrary to s116 of The Transport Accident Act 1986 and 1 charge of providing TAC with false or misleading information contrary to s117 of The Transport Accident Act 1986.

Plea: Guilty


The magistrate with conviction sentenced the accused to a 12 month Community corrections Order where the accused must perform 120 hours of unpaid work. The accused was also ordered to pay TAC $80,360.00 in compensation.


The accused provided TAC with false work invoices and false payment advices of those invoices to establish his pre accident earnings. The accused had also returned to work without notifying TAC but continued to submit certificates of capacity advising that the accused had not returned to work.

Payable to TAC

Restitution: $80,360Yes
Total Fines:$N/A
Statutory Costs:$N/A
Professional Costs: $N/A
