Procurement policies
The TAC procurement policy aligns with the Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) supply policies. These supply policies include:
- Governance
- Complexity and Capability Assessment
- Market Analysis and Review
- Market Approach
- Contract Management and Disclosure
Detail on these policies is available on the Buying for Victoria website.
The TAC is transitioning to the supply policies as part of the VGPB expansion program to ensure greater consistency in procurement practice across government. Information on the expansion program and what it means for our suppliers is available on the Buying for Victoria website.
Procurement principles
The following procurement principles guide TAC Procurement:
- Value for money
- Accountability and transparency
- Ethical, sustainable and social responsibility
- Economic, effective and efficient procurement
- Innovation
Procurement values
Ethical procurement
We are committed to ethical procurement and all our suppliers must comply with the Victorian State Government Supplier Code of Conduct.
Social procurement
Social Procurement is when organisations use their buying power to generate social value above and beyond the value of the goods, services or works being procured. In the Victorian Government context, social value means the benefits that accrue to all Victorians when the social and sustainable outcomes in the Victorian Government Social Procurement Framework are achieved.
Our Social Procurement Strategy has the following priority objectives:
- Sustainable Victorian regions
- Environmentally sustainable outputs
- Sustainable Victorian social enterprise and Aboriginal business sectors
For more information on the Victorian Government Social Procurement Framework see the Buying for Victoria website.
Local Economic Contribution
We are a signatory to the G21 Region Opportunities for Work (GROW) Compact and are committed to adding value to the G21 Region, including the social benefits through our local economic and social contribution. Local procurement can effectively contribute to building stronger communities and meeting social objectives and, in particular, facilitating employment opportunities to target communities in the G21 Region.
For more information on the GROW Compact visit their website.
Procurement opportunities
The TAC publishes open approaches to market on the Buying for Victoria Supplier Portal. Find new opportunities on the Buying for Victoria website.
TAC Procurement Activity Plan
The TAC will publish its 12-month Procurement Activity Plan on this page and review it regularly. Please check back regularly.
Procurement Activity Plan (2024-25)
Contact Procurement @ TAC
To contact our procurement team, please email
Complaint Management Policy
If you have a complaint in relation to a procurement process, you must submit your complaint in writing to immediately upon the cause of the complaint arising or becoming known to you.
The written complaint must set out:
- The procurement reference number (if known);
- The contact details of the person making the complaint;
- The basis for the complaint specifying the issues involved;
- How the subject of the complaint and the specific issues affect you;
- Any relevant background information; and
- The outcome you desire.
Within five working days of receiving the complaint, the TAC will acknowledge receipt of your complaint. The acknowledgement will include:
- A contact person;
- The process to be taken by the TAC; and
- The approximate timeline to address the matter.
Within 20 working days of acknowledging the complaint, the TAC will provide a written response.