Hulls support Brain Injury Awareness Week

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17 Sep 2003

Media Release - 17 September 2003

The Minister for the TAC, Rob Hulls, today encouraged Victorians to support Brain Injury Awareness Week.

Mr Hulls said that the week not only recognised and empowered people living with a brain injury, but was also a good opportunity to enhance community understanding.

"Brain injuries often affect the speech, memory and even the personality of a person, and the adjustment of individuals, their families, friends and colleagues can often be extremely difficult," Mr Hulls said.

"In Victoria alone, there are over 70,000 people living with an acquired brain injury, from mild injuries through to people in full time care.

"Many people are doing it tough, trying to rebuild their lives, so the more support and encouragement they can receive, the better."

Brain Injury Awareness Week is facilitated by community organisations Headway, Bear in Mind and the Brain Foundation of Victoria and is sponsored by the TAC.

The major causes of an acquired brain injury are trauma, stroke, neurological degeneration and substance abuse.

"Road accidents do unfortunately continue to be a significant contributor to acquired brain injury," Mr Hulls said.

"Obviously all efforts will continue towards prevention but it is extremely valuable for the TAC to be involved in events like this, as it allows for a greater understanding of not just the needs but also the aspirations of people living with a brain injury."

"The stories of recovery and hope that will shared throughout this week will also show us that ultimately there is some light at the end of the tunnel," he said.

Every year approximately 90 Victorians are left with a serious head injury as a result of a road crash and will require care and support for the rest of their lives.

Forums and events will be held throughout the State, culminating in the Inspiring Stories Forum to be held at Horti Hall in Melbourne on Saturday.

A full outline of the program is available at Victoria's road toll currently stands at 245, compared with 283 at the same time last year, a decrease of 13%.

Media contacts:

Joel Deane on 0407 139 441 or Merrilee Cox, CEO, Headway Victoria on 0409 422 996.


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