Client service tops TAC achievements for 2003/2004

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03 Nov 2004

Media Release - 3 November 2004

The Transport Accident Commission provided in excess of $617 million in support and services to more than 40,000 Victorians in the 2003/04 financial year, TAC Chair, Mr James MacKenzie, announced today.

Mr MacKenzie said the TAC 2004 Annual Report – tabled in State Parliament today – also recorded the highest-ever levels of client satisfaction with the TAC and its services.

"This year marks the 30th anniversary of no-fault personal injury cover in Victoria, and it is a year which has, in many ways, epitomised the key strengths and advantages of the TAC scheme," Mr MacKenzie said.

"In each of the crucial benchmark areas of client service, financial management and accident prevention, 2003/04 saw the TAC achieve a number of best-ever results.

"Importantly, these results have been achieved while maintaining one of the lowest premium levels in Australia and providing a standard of care and support to people injured in transport accidents, recognised as being amongst the best in the world."

Mr MacKenzie said key results for 2003/04 included:

  • $617.4m in support services funded for 42,183 clients.
  • Highest-ever client satisfaction score of 7.1 out of 10.
  • Victoria's lowest financial year road toll (334) for the second consecutive year
  • Hospitalised claims down 1%.
  • Staff morale at a record high of 70%.
  • Staff retention rate stable at 88%.
  • Write-down in projected liabilities of $118m.
  • Funding ratio of 116%.
  • Investment return of 13%.
  • After-tax profit of $590m, driven largely by buoyant equity markets.

TAC Chief Executive Officer, Mr Stephen Grant, said the record-high client satisfaction score was a reflection of the commitment and dedication of the TAC's staff.

"For any client-focussed organisation, the true measure of success is undoubtedly
the way your clients regard the services you provide," Mr Grant said.

"It is therefore extremely pleasing to report that the considerable efforts of the TAC's staff have been recognised by our clients, in giving the TAC its highest-ever client satisfaction score of 7.1 – up from our previous best of 6.9.

"When you consider that nobody becomes a TAC client by choice – you first have to be injured in a transport accident – it is doubly important to us all at the TAC that our clients value the support we provide in what, for some, is a lifelong journey.

"The fact that this year's client satisfaction score is the highest-ever also reflects the TAC's determination to continually improve in everything we do."

Mr Grant said client service would be even further improved through a series of proposed increases in benefits and support.

"Currently before the Parliament is a range of measures, which the TAC believes will further improve the service and support we can provide to the Victorian community," he said.

"Among these improvements are greatly increased lump sum payments for the most severely injured and new measures to bring the scheme more into line with community expectations – including improved child-care provisions, increased post-surgery support and faster and simpler access to income benefits."

Mr Grant said the achievements of the past year and the improvements going forward were only possible through strong financial management and maintaining a steady hand on scheme viability.

"The simple fact remains that we cannot continue to provide support and care for the most severely injured in our community without ensuring that the TAC remains financially responsible and sustainable," he said.

For further information:

Colin Radford, TAC on 1300 654 329


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