New campaign asks "how safe is your car?"

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21 Jul 2004

Media Release - 21 July 2004

The Minister for the TAC, Rob Hulls, will today launch a new road safety campaign to promote vehicle safety and reduce deaths and serious injuries on Victorian roads.

Mr Hulls said the campaign was well-timed as more Victorians were now rating safety as a key factor when buying a car.

"Research shows that when buying a new car, drivers rate safety as a top priority beaten only by price," he said.

"This is a very promising shift and one that will ultimately reduce road trauma.

"International research has found that if every motorist drove the safest vehicle in its class, serious casualties could be halved.

"With more than 6,500 people seriously injured on Victorian roads last year alone, the implications are enormous."

The campaign comprises two new television advertisements and the TAC website The website gives car buyers an independent assessment about the safety of car models and makes.

The website gives cars a one to five star rating, according to tests by Australian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP), European (NCAP) tests and Used Car Safety ratings.

The ANCAP and NCAP tests involve crash testing in laboratories while used car tests are based on analysis of real world crashes.

Mr Hulls said the new campaign was a key part of the Bracks Government's arrive alive! road safety strategy to reduce deaths and serious injuries from road crashes by 20 per cent by 2007.

"Of course we will continue to focus on other road safety measures including improving infrastructure, enforcement and public education about the dangers of drink-driving and speeding," Mr Hulls said.

"But vehicle safety cannot be underestimated when most crashes are caused by human behaviour. It is telling that any given vehicle in Victoria has a one in six hundred chance of being involved in a serious casualty crash.

"The odds are too high for people not to choose the safest vehicle possible."

Victoria's road toll currently stands at 213, up from 204 at the same time last year (an increase of 4%).

Media contact:

Manika Naidoo
Tel: 03) 9651 5048


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