Take a Break For a Safe Easter Holiday

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12 Apr 2006

Media Release - 12 April 2006

Victorian motorists have been urged to take regular breaks to avoid the risk of a crash on our roads this Easter.

The Minister for the Transport Accident Commission (TAC), John Lenders, today launched the 2006 Driver Reviver program to encourage motorists to take regular breaks on long drives and avoid the dangers of driving when tired.

“The Easter break is a notoriously dangerous time on Victoria’s roads with drivers being particularly vulnerable to fatigue,” Mr Lenders said.

“Tragically, last year eight people were killed during the Easter holiday and 106 were seriously injured in crashes on Victoria’s roads.

“A lack of sleep or long periods of physical or mental exertion can be deadly. It severely affects reaction times, concentration and decision-making skills that are critical to safe driving.

“So, don’t risk your long weekend being cut short by driving when tired. Plan ahead, schedule regular breaks at least every two hours, and take a 15 minute powernap at the first signs of fatigue.”

More than 1,000 volunteers will give up their holidays to operate 65 Driver Reviver sites around Victoria during the Easter, Anzac Day and Queen’s Birthday long weekends.

“Drivers who recognise the dangers of fatigue and take breaks are already winners, but by stopping at a Driver Reviver site you could also reap other rewards,” Mr Lenders said.

“Those who stop at a Driver Reviver site will be eligible to win a family holiday to Queensland’s Couran Cove Island Resort or one of 200 $50 fuel vouchers, just by completing an entry form.”

The TAC and the SES suggest drivers planning long trips over Easter should:
• get several nights of good quality sleep before heading off;
• limit travel to no more than 8 to 10 hours in a day;
• take regular breaks at least every two hours;
• share the driving where possible;
• avoid traveling at times normally spent sleeping, and
• take a 15 minute powernap at the first signs of driver fatigue.

More details about the holiday competition and Driver Reviver site locations are available at www.tacsafety.com.au.

Victoria's road toll currently stands at 91 compared to 112 for the same period in 2005, a decrease of 19%.


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