Budding Victorian film-makers use creative talent to save young lives

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20 Nov 2008

MEDIA RELEASE: November 20, 2008

Budding Victorian film-makers use creative talent to save young lives

Two young Victorian film-makers have turned innovative ideas into short films that will drive home the road safety message to movie-goers this summer.

Kayla Robertson and Matthew Goodrich are the two winners of the TAC’s 2008 Make a Film, Make a Difference (MAFMAD) short film competition.

Their films will be shown on the big screen for the first time at tonight’s Red Carpet Premiere at Hoyts Melbourne Central.

Kayla and Matthew were chosen from almost 300 entrants to develop their film concepts, which are linked by the theme Your Mate’s Life is in Your Hands.

TAC CEO Janet Dore said MAFMAD gave young people the chance to create films that would influence them and their friends to be safe on the roads.

“Already this year, 72 young people aged between 16 and 25 have lost their lives on Victorian roads and many more have been injured,” Ms Dore said.

“MAFMAD is an opportunity for young people to create films with strong messages about road safety that will be heard by their peers.”

Kayla Robertson’s film The Substitute was inspired by the way young men support each other on the football field compared to when on the road.

“Footy is a great example of how mates look out for each other and my film shows how that should apply to every day life,” Kayla said.

Matthew Goodrich said the experience of turning his ideas into the film Death Blooms had helped him realise a childhood dream.

“Since I was five I have wanted to be a director and the MAFMAD competition is a great boost,” he said.

The winning films will now screen at cinemas throughout the state until April and on MySpace. They can also been seen in the TAC’s mobile cinema as she visits events across Victoria this summer such as the Big Day Out, Falls Festival and the Meredith Music Festival.

Entries are now open for the 2009 MAFMAD competition. To find out more go to www.mafmad.com.au.


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