Collingwood Football Club withdraws from TAC Community Partnership

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09 Jan 2008

Media Release - 9 January 2008

The Collingwood Football Club today announced its withdrawl from its Community Partnership with the TAC, following a drink driving incident involving player, Sharrod Wellingham.

The TAC is disappointed by this incident and the end of a successful partnership but accepts the decision and commends the Collingwood Football Club for its transparency and willingness to take a strong stand on the important issue of road safety.

The TAC was a major sponsor of Collingwood between 2003 and 2005.  This arrangement was altered to the status of Community Partnership in 2006 reflecting a changed emphasis in our relationship.

Young people remain vulnerable on Victorian roads because of a combination of risk taking, poor decision making and over confidence. The TAC will continue to use sport and sportspeople to promote road safety messages to this audience.

Last year in Victoria 81 young people aged 18 – 25 years died on Victorian roads.



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