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22 Sep 2008

MEDIA RELEASE: 22 September 2008

Blue Ribbon Day is on September 29th and is a very special occasion in Victoria.  It is an expression of remembrance, support and appreciation from the people of Victoria for their police force. It not only remembers the heroic actions of the officers who have given their lives in the line of duty but also gives us an opportunity to simply say "thank you" on one special day each year to the men and women in blue who serve our community so very well.

You can participate in Blue Ribbon Day from September 1st by collecting a ribbon to wear on your lapel, a ribbon for your car aerial or a decal for your car window at any of these outlets:

  • Police Stations 
  • Authorised Newsagents
  • RACV Shops
  • 7-Eleven Stores  
  • Landmark 
  • Larger RSL Clubs

Ribbons are free but you can make a voluntary donation that will help to build the hospital facilities that remember the sacrifice of our police officers.

For more information about Blue Ribbon Day, visit www.policeblueribbon.com.au


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