The Transport Accident Commission and WorkSafe Victoria collaborate on health strategy

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03 Jan 2008


Today the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and WorkSafe Victoria formally announced the launch of the shared Health Services Group. 

The aim of the Health Services Group is to simplify processes and implement initiatives that support healthcare providers to achieve better rehabilitation and return to work outcomes for injured Victorians. The group will also focus on preventative health and research and aim to build stronger relationships with healthcare providers. The Health Services Group comprises staff from the TAC and WorkSafe and will build on the existing strengths of each organisation.

The Health Services Group will be led by Dr Peter Harcourt. Dr Harcourt has been encouraged by the positive response from TAC and WorkSafe staff to the implementation of a shared Health Service Group.

“Staff from both organisations are enthusiastic about this new joint approach. We always knew that our two organisations had a great deal in common, particularly in the health arena. The majority of our health and disability providers are the same, our systems and processes are similar, and we both wanted to head in the same strategic direction.”

“Our shared goal is to ensure injured Victorians receive the best health care treatment available to maximise their recovery. Once we started to formally look at the feasibility of a shared TAC and WorkSafe health services team, the evidence was totally in favor of collaboration”.

The work has only just begun for the Health Services Group. The initial plan is to implement initiatives to cut red tape and simplify processes so that healthcare providers can spend more time helping people recover and less time on paperwork.

Some of the key initiatives include:

  • Simplifying forms and processes for both allied health, medical practitioners and disability providers;
  • Providing access to consistent clinical policy based on clear evidence;
  • Creating a single point of contact and accountability for providers and peak bodies;

The TAC and WorkSafe are committed to optimal health outcomes for injured Victorians and believe that working together with health care organisations provides a solid foundation for the development of necessary health and disability services.

For further information on the Health Services Group please contact Sharon Barry on 9664 6247.


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