Call for families affected by speed related road trauma

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11 Aug 2009


The TAC today called on families who have been affected by speed related road trauma to express an interest in being part of an upcoming road safety campaign.

Titled "The Ripple Effect", the campaign will show just how far reaching the consequences of a road accident can be.

The campaign will look at the traumatic impact of road crashes and will focus on how speed is a key contributor to the Victorian road toll.

It will reinforce why it is important not to speed on our roads and why you do not want to be affected by road trauma.

The TAC's Executive Manager, Community Relations Philip Reed said "Far too many Victorians know the horrible reality of road trauma.”

“We're calling on those who have been personally impacted by road trauma to help us educate the wider community of the true and lasting dangers of speeding on our roads."

The campaign will take one real life accident and profile it through a public campaign exploring what the ripple effect of the accident has been from a number of individual perspectives.

“We believe that the Ripple Effect campaign will help make speeding as socially unacceptable as drink driving,” Mr Reed said.

Any member of the public that has been impacted by speed related road trauma who wish to be part of this campaign, can contact the TAC on 03 5225 6591 to register their interest.

The Ripple Effect campaign will be launched in early 2010 to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the very first TAC campaign.

For more information contact:
TAC Media and Communications Adviser Amanda Bavin 5225 6591, 0439 567 249

Listen to the Public call on Neil Mitchells show (.wmv 503kb)


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