Punters urged to plan ahead during Spring Racing Carnival

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29 Oct 2009

MEDIA RELEASE: 29 October 2009


The Transport Accident Commission is urging punters to carefully plan how they will travel to and from the races as the Spring Racing Carnival heads into its busiest week.

The TAC’s Executive Manager of Community Relations Philip Reed said planning how to get home was as important as planning your outfit.

“Avoid being a drink driving mug this racing season and leave the car at home,” Mr Reed said.

“We know that drink driving contributes to about a third of driver deaths on our roads and I don’t want to see celebrations turn into commiserations,” Mr Reed said.

“Use the various public transport options, take a taxi home or get a lift with a designated driver who won’t drink.”

The TAC is providing free breathalysers at many race meetings around the state, to help race-goers monitor the effect of their alcohol consumption.

“If you are near or over the limit, don’t drive. It’s not worth the risk of losing your licence, your life or the life of someone you care about,” Mr Reed said.

“Victoria Police will be breath testing around racing venues so avoid the hassle and leave the car at home.”

Here are some handy tips to avoid drink driving during the Spring Racing Carnival:

  • Eat regularly if you are planning to drink alcohol
  • Alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones
  • Don’t drive if you’re unsure about your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC); test yourself wherever you see free breathalyser stations
  • Remember that your BAC can rise after you have stopped drinking
  • Avoid the confusion and leave the car at home.

For further information please contact: Emily Bogue 5225 6450, 0429 416 778.


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