Record May road toll spurs long weekend safety message

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02 Jun 2009

MEDIA RELEASE: 02 June 2009

Victoria has recorded its lowest May road toll since records began in 1951.

18 people died on Victoria’s roads in May 2009, compared to the previous lowest May toll of 25 in 2008.

The TAC’s Executive Manager of Community Relations, Philip Reed, said the record low toll was evidence that most Victorians were heeding road safety messages.

"Everyone using our roads - drivers, motorcyclists, passengers and pedestrians - have a responsibility to use the roads safely and help keep the road toll down," Mr Reed said.

"But despite our best efforts hundreds of Victorians continue to lose their lives on our roads every year and thousands more are seriously injured."

Mr Reed said it was disappointing that Victoria had narrowly missed the opportunity to record the lowest ever monthly road toll during May.

"The previous lowest monthly road toll was 17, recorded in both September 1994 and November 2005," Mr Reed said.
"Unfortunately these numbers aren’t just statistics, they are families left grieving for their loved ones."

Mr Reed urged Victorians to bear this in mind as they prepared for the coming Queen’s Birthday long weekend.

"The TAC will again be supporting police efforts to keep the roads safe this long weekend," Mr Reed said.

"We are supporting police in their efforts to catch motorists who break the law. They will be caught before someone gets hurt."

So far this year 127 people have died on our roads, compared to 135 at this time last year.


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