TAC achieves record highs for clients during relocation

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15 Oct 2009

MEDIA RELEASE: 15 October 2009

The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) has achieved a record high level of client satisfaction while providing over $830 million in support services and benefits to over 40,000 people in 2008/09.

The TAC Chairman Paul Barker said the TAC Annual Report, tabled in State Parliament today, demonstrates that the organisation remained focused on delivering for clients during the successful relocation to Geelong.
�Our client outcomes, the service we provide and the viability of the scheme are our priorities which we strive to improve upon each year,� Mr Barker said.

Mr Barker said key results for the TAC in 2008/09 included:

  • $836.9 million in support services and benefits for 40,383 clients
  • Performance from insurance operations of $103 million
  • Best-ever client satisfaction score of 7.62
  •  Record number of common law claims resolutions at 912
  • Record high staff morale and engagement scores
  • Relocation of headquarters from Melbourne to Geelong

�While strong claims management ensured our performance from insurance operations was $103 million, weak investment markets resulted in a negative return of 12.2%, resulting in a net loss of $971 million,� Mr Barker said.

�Like any organisation with significant funds invested, 2008/09 has been a difficult year. However, cyclical downturns in investment markets are both expected and allowed for in our long term strategic planning,� he said.

�It�s important to note that the most important measure of scheme health remains the performance from insurance operations which separates out the external factors and highlights the underlying health and success of the scheme� Mr Barker said.

This has been a landmark year for the TAC, with over 700 employees now servicing the Victorian community from our new headquarters in Geelong.�

View the Annual report 

For further information contact:

Amanda Bavin
Senior Communications and Media Adviser
Ph:  0439 567 249


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