Over 3,000 police are out in force on the road so don't risk it

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06 Dec 2010

MEDIA RELEASE: 6 December 2010

The TAC unveiled today the latest Christmas enforcement campaign which warns Victorians that risky drivers and riders will have no warning and no escape in the biggest police operation in history.

"This campaign sends a very clear message to our community � there are over 3,000 police out on the roads so if you are doing the wrong thing, there will be no warning and no escape," said TAC's Senior Manager of Road Safety and Marketing, John Thompson.

"Think before you drink drive, drug drive or speed. If you want to avoid being caught, just don't risk it."

The campaign is timed to combat road trauma in the lead up to Christmas which is traditionally a time when people relax and celebrate the end of the year.

In December 2009, 34 people lost their lives on the road � this was the highest number of deaths of any month last year. Victoria has never come close to the lowest December on record when only 20 deaths were recorded back in 1952.

Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner of Road Policing Ken Lay said at the launch, "Despite there being thousands more people on our roads and countless safety improvements made to our roads and cars, we have never come close to the December result of over 50 years ago."

"I challenge our community to step up and take responsibility for their driving behaviour.  We achieved a record low monthly toll for November - there is absolutely no reason why we can't achieve another record low for December."

"The TAC and Victoria Police are doing everything we can to influence our community to do the right thing, it's now up to every driver and rider to own the road safety message this festive season," said Deputy Commissioner Lay.

The nation's biggest road blitz called Operation RAID is currently running with Victoria Police pulling out all stops to target impaired drivers. This will be followed by Operation Aegis that will run into the new year.

TAC's Senior Manager of Road Safety and Marketing said at the launch, "During the holiday period, police will test over one million drivers for alcohol and drugs, as well as targeting 20,000 speeding drivers."

"You have been warned: police will be out in force, so don't risk it � it's just not worth it."

The Christmas enforcement campaign involves a series of three ads running on TV, radio, outdoor billboards and online until 9 January 2011.

The 2010 road toll at midnight on 5 December 2010 stood at 273, compared with 261 at the same time last year.

For further information please contact: Amanda Bavin on 0439 567 249.

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