Premier backs state's biggest ever road safety blitz

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30 Mar 2010

MEDIA RELEASE: 30 March 2010


The Premier John Brumby today urged all motorists to drive safely this Easter as Victoria Police announced one of the biggest road safety operations in the state's history.

Mr Brumby said police officers from the Victoria Police Airwing, State Highway Patrol and Operational Response Unit would join traffic units as part of a state-wide blitz called Operation Aegis VII, starting this Thursday.

"This is the first time Victoria Police's new Operational Response Unit will join Operation Aegis providing support where needed across the state," Mr Brumby said.

"The sole aim of this campaign is to save lives on our roads. Long weekends are dangerous times on our roads with more people in their cars driving longer distances.

"The message for Victorians this Easter is clear – take care on the roads to make sure you and your family and friends arrive at their destinations safely.

"There will also be more police on the roads this Easter so drivers doing the wrong thing will get caught.

"The new Operational Response Unit is the latest weapon in Victoria Police's arsenal – a unit that can be deployed at short notice when needed."

Victoria last year recorded its lowest ever road toll of 290. The current road toll of 80 is 11 above the same time last year.

Mr Brumby said any death on our roads was a tragedy and with this year's road toll already tracking higher than last year, it's important for people to take responsibility and drive carefully.

"There is still time to reverse this trend and drive down the road toll if people take care and drive safely this weekend," he said.

Police Minister Bob Cameron said the Government was committed to providing Victoria Police with the powers and resources they need to help keep Victorians safe.

"Last year we delivered Victoria Police a record budget of $1.89 billion – more than $150 million was allocated for road safety initiatives to help save lives and reduce serious injuries," Mr Cameron said.

"Victoria Police have fitted moving mode radar devices to police vehicles across the state with more to be installed.

"These devices will be on the state's roads this Easter, patrolling regional and rural roads to enforce the speed limit and potentially save lives."


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