Prestigious international award for TAC ad

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17 May 2010

MEDIA RELEASE: 17 May 2010

A Transport Accident Commission advertisement that's attracted more than 3 million views on YouTube has won a prestigious international award.

Everybody Hurts, the powerful montage of 20 years of TAC campaigns, was awarded a Gold Pencil at One Show in New York on the weekend.

The Gold Pencil in the Public Service/Non-Profit single category was one of only 22 Gold gongs awarded in one of the world's most prestigious advertising competitions.

There was only one other Australian winner, with a Bronze to Droga5, based in Sydney.

The montage was posted on YouTube on December 10 last year, exactly 20 years to the day since the first TAC advertisement went to air.

TAC Road Safety and Marketing Senior Manager John Thompson said the hundreds of comments on YouTube were a testament to the powerful message of the montage.

"This award is the icing on the cake, knowing that the montage has been viewed by so many people across Victoria and the world," Mr Thompson said.

"It has proven the powerful effect that emotive advertisements can have on attitudes to driving - they remind people why it's important to drive safely."

"The award is a credit to Grey Melbourne for their work with the TAC over 20 years," Mr Thompson said.

The 20 year montage is at

"I encourage you to share this link with your loved ones to help keep them safe on the roads," Mr Thompson said.

Media contact: Emily Bogue 0429 416 778.


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