Punters urged to plan ahead for Country Racing season

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18 Oct 2010

Media Release: 18th October 2010

A new Transport Accident Commission (TAC) campaign will urge people going to the country races to plan their journey to ensure they get to the races and home safely.

The TAC last week unveiled the drink driving campaign as Victoria's country racing season ramps up with country cups in Geelong, Sale, the Wimmera, Bendigo, and Bairnsdale this month and more cups in November. 

The TAC's Head of Community Relations, Phil Reed, said the country racing season is one of the highlights of regional Victoria's calendar of major events and encouraged everyone to enjoy the race meetings safely.

"Drink driving is still one of the biggest killers on our roads and nobody wants their Cup day celebrations to turn to tragedy," Mr Reed said.

"The TAC campaign specifically targets people planning to go to a country race meet and urges them to plan their journey so they get to the races and home again safely."

Mr Reed said at some country cups the TAC will offer alternative transport and urged race-goers to find out what transport options were available.

"Some Cups offers shuttle buses to and from the racetrack or think about arranging a designated driver or catching a taxi," Mr Reed said. 

"If you plan to have a drink or you are going with family and friends who plan to have a drink then not driving your car is the best way to ensure you get there and home safely."

The TAC's Country Racing campaign had been produced specifically for Victoria's country racing season and warned motorists who drink and drive that they will get caught.

"Everyone should use this as a warning that if you do have a few drinks and get behind the wheel, you will be caught, and you will lose your license," Mr Reed said.

The TAC is providing free breathalysers at Country Race days to help racegoers monitor the effect of their alcohol consumption and the TAC refreshment station at the exit gate will provide coffee and water.

The TAC has partnered with Country Racing Victoria to ensure country racing events are enjoyed responsibly. Here are some handy tips to enjoy the season safely:
• Eat regularly if you are planning to drink alcohol
• Alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones
• Don't drive if you're unsure about your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC); test yourself first at a free TAC breathalyser station
• Remember that your BAC can rise after you have stopped drinking
• Avoid the confusion and leave the car at home.

Full program and shuttle bus details are available from www.countryracing.com.au.
For more information please contact the TAC's Sarah Campbell on 0429 294 262.




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