Research to help severely injured TAC clients

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21 May 2010

MEDIA RELEASE: 21st May 2010


The TAC has announced new governance and funding arrangements for neurotrauma research to ensure the best outcomes for people severely injured in transport accidents.

The TAC has committed $20 million over five years for research into traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury.

The TAC Chief Executive Officer Janet Dore said the new arrangements would ensure a more integrated approach to research to the benefit of TAC clients.

"The goals of future research will now be better aligned to the objectives of the TAC in supporting those severely injured in transport accidents," Ms Dore said.

The TAC has investigated the best method of integrating all TAC-funded research activities and the appropriate governance structures.

The integration of health research means the Victorian Neurotrauma Initiative (VNI) will be wound up by the end of the current contract in May 2011.

"The TAC acknowledges the successful work of the VNI in building upon Victoria's reputation for significant neurotrauma research over the last five years," Ms Dore said.

Although the governance structure will change, all committed funded activities will continue and any research program beyond May 2011 will transition to the TAC.

"These new arrangements prioritise the needs and interests of our severely injured clients," Ms Dore said.

Media contact:

TAC Communications and Media Adviser Emily Bogue on 5225 6450 or 0429 416 778.




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