State records lowest monthly road toll ever

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02 Dec 2010

Media Release: 2 December 2010

On the back of recording the state's lowest monthly road toll on record, Victorians should prepare for what is traditionally one of the worst months for trauma, the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) warned today.

Twelve fatalities were recorded during November – the best monthly result for the state since records began in 1952.

The TAC statistics reveal that of the 12 fatalities last month four were drivers, three were motorcyclists, one was a passenger and four were pedestrians.

Male road users dominated the statistics with 10 men killed compared to two women.

Six road users were aged between 21and 25, two between 26 and 29, two between 30 and 39, and one in the 40 to 49 and 50 to 59 age groups.

The November-low came after October recorded one of the highest tolls in one month with 37 deaths.

The TAC's Head of Community Relations, Phil Reed, said while it was pleasing to have reached the monthly record low, this year's road toll is still higher than last year and warned drivers and riders to take care, especially coming into the holiday season.

"There are many traditions we observe during December, but poor driver and rider behaviour is one that will not be tolerated," Mr Reed said.

December has been one of the worst performing months for road trauma over the past five years with Victoria recording tolls of 34, 25, 41, 39 and 36 from 2009 to 2005.

"What these figures reveal is that unless attitudes change and more care is taken on the road, we can expect 30 Victorian families to see in the New Year without a loved one around because they will have fallen victim to road trauma in December," Mr. Reed said. 

"There is absolutely no reason why that trend can't be reversed.

"The only people who have control over it are those of you who hit the road in cars or on motorbikes."

Drink and drug driving, as well as speeding will be targeted this month with Victoria Police aiming to breath test one in four motorists.

"You have been warned: police will be out in force, so don't risk it – it's just not worth it."

For further information please contact: Amanda Bavin on 0439 567 249.


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