Students Strap in to Win for Seatbelt Cause

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17 Dec 2010

MEDIA RELEASE: 17 December 2010

School students from across Victoria have been recognised for their contribution to road safety by promoting the ‘buckle-up' message as part of the Transport Accident Commission's (TAC) campaign marking 40 years since Victoria led the world by making the wearing of seatbelts compulsory.

Students from schools in Echuca, Camberwell, Kaniva, Smeaton, Ivanhoe, Shepparton, Tootgarook and Norlane have designed posters telling their friends and the wider community why they should always buckle up.

While producing their works of art, students engaged in classroom discussions on why wearing seatbelts is so important.

In particular, students were encouraged to discuss the diverse ways Dr John Birrell promoted his crusade to make seatbelt wearing compulsory.

While working as Victoria's chief police surgeon, Dr John Birrell regularly treated road trauma victims and eventually joined a key lobby group to actively campaign for Victoria to make seatbelt wearing mandatory.

TAC Road Safety and Marketing Senior Manager, John Thompson, said the key message that the TAC wanted students to convey through their artwork was that seatbelts keep you safe, and must be worn at all times.

"Despite seatbelt legislation being introduced 40 years ago, almost a quarter of all people who die on the state's roads each year are unrestrained," Mr Thompson said.

Last year, 41 motorists killed were not wearing a seatbelt and during a crackdown on the offence this year, police caught more than 1,000 motorists who were not buckled up.

Mr Thompson said the school's competition was an important way for younger members of the community to learn about road safety.

"Educating younger generations about the role they can play in reducing road trauma is absolutely critical," he said.

"It is fantastic that the students have taken to this task so enthusiastically, and we congratulate them on their win."

As winners, the schools will receive $2,000 from the TAC. Mount Dandenong Primary School received an honorable mention and $1,000 for their efforts.

More information about the school's competition can be found at 

For further information please contact: Sarah Henderson on 5225 6464, 0429 294 262.


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