TAC delivers strong outcomes for road trauma clients

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16 Sep 2010

Media Release: 16 September 2010


The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) strengthened its financial position in 2009/10 and achieved a high level of client satisfaction with over $900 million in support services and benefits provided to almost 43,000 people.

The TAC Chairman Paul Barker said the Annual Report tabled in State Parliament today showed the TAC is providing more support to more people while continuing to achieve a strong client satisfaction score.  

"I am pleased to report that our performance from insurance operations was $200 million, a 94% improvement from the previous year. As this measure separates out external factors, it is the key measure of the underlying health and strength of the scheme," Mr Barker said.

The Annual Report released today also shows that the TAC recorded a client satisfaction score of 7.35 out of 10.

Mr Barker said key results for the TAC in 2009/10 included:

  • $909.3 million in support services and benefits for 42,948 clients 
  • Performance from insurance operations of $200 million
  • Actuarial release of $40 million
  • Strong client satisfaction score of 7.35/10
  • High staff morale of 73%
  • Record number of common law claims resolutions at 979

The Annual Report shows that investment markets also resulted in a positive return of 11.9% compared to a negative 12.2% investment return in 2008/09.

"The TAC takes the responsibility of maintaining a strong financial position very seriously. After all, a financially sound TAC is the basis on which the Victorian community can rely on receiving support and assistance if they are in a transport accident," Mr Barker said.  

Mr Barker said that 2009/10 heralded another turning point for the organisation with the development of a six year strategy, TAC 2015.

"While the results are a considerable achievement given the increased demand for support from our community, the TAC welcomes the challenge of continuing to create a better organisation into the future," Mr Barker said.
Further information can be viewed at www.tac.vic.gov.au 

For further information contact:

Sarah Campbell, Communications and Media Adviser, Ph:  0429 294 262

The Annual report can be downloaded from here 


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