2010 Road Safety Statistics released

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01 Mar 2011

MEDIA RELEASE: 1 March 2011

Motorcyclists, male and regional motorists were the worst performed on our roads last year with all groups recording large spikes in death rates, Transport Accident Commission (TAC) statistics released today show.

Despite Victoria last year recording an all time low road toll for the second year running, motorcyclist fatalities increased 39%, regional deaths spiked 13% and male fatalities 12% however female deaths decreased 29%.

The following is a breakdown of these figures:

  • Motorcyclist fatalities increased to 49 in 2010 from 38 in 2009.
  • Regional deaths spiked at 163 in 2010 from 144 in 2009.
  • Male fatalities increased to 220 in 2010 from 196 in 2009.

Alarmingly, motorcycle deaths increased 29%, bringing the 2010 total to 49, significantly above the five year average of 44. 

Pedestrian fatalities decreased 24%. 

TAC Head of Community Relations, Phil Reed, said the increase in motorcycle fatalities in 2010 would be addressed this year through a combination of education and enforcement. 

"The TAC this year continues its long-standing association with the Moto GP to promote its vital motorcycle safety messages," Mr Reed said.

In addition, we will support police enforcement and continue engaging riders online and in person.
Fatalities in metropolitan Melbourne decreased 15% although rural Victoria increased 13%, indicating the outstanding danger on rural Victorian roads. 

Over the past five years the following regions recorded the highest death tolls:

  • Benalla
  • Casey
  • Mornington Peninsula
  • Swan Hill
  • Yarra Ranges

In 2010, the regions of Whittlesea and Casey recorded the most deaths with 15 and 13 fatalities respectively.

Mr Reed said that despite some positive results in 2010 motorists must remember the underlying messages. 

"Although 2010 recorded many positive results and the lowest road toll on record, there were still many tragedies for Victorian families."

"We are working towards lowering the Victorian road toll even further and recording another record low for 2011."

Our commitment to this is unwavering.  Already this year we have had success with the Rename Speed campaign, and next month we will send the vehicle safety message to the Melbourne F1 Grand Prix."

"Every Victorian road user is urged to take responsibility for their safety on the roads, stick to the speed limit, in order to reduce road trauma" Mr Reed said. 

For more information contact the TAC's Sarah Henderson on 0429 294 262.


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