A Speedy Way to Slow You Down

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19 Jan 2011

MEDIA RELEASE: 19 January 2011

Australians have overwhelmingly thrown their support behind the Rename Speed campaign with the Facebook site reaching the initial target of 10,000 likes within 24 hours.

The town of Speed in Victoria's Mallee district will now change their name to SpeedKills for one month to raise awareness of country road trauma and the dangers of rural speeding.

But, there is still more work to do.

Star of the Rename Speed campaign and farmer from Speed, Phil Down, promised to change his name to Phil "Slow" Down if the campaign receives 20,000 "likes" on www.facebook.com/speedkills

When the 20,000th "like" is recorded, and Mr Down changes his name, the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) will donate a further $10,000 to the Speed Lions Club in addition to the initial $10,000 promised by the TAC at the beginning of the campaign.

TAC Acting CEO, Phil Reed, said the rapid response to the campaign was a credit to the people of Speed, and proved that people everywhere are committed to reducing road trauma.

"We are absolutely amazed and delighted that so many people have thrown their support behind this tiny town and their road safety message," Mr Reed said.

"What this proves is that while one town is leading this campaign, there are people all across the country also wanting to slow down and drive safely."

The Rename Speed campaign continues with the next target of 20,000 "likes" in site. Already more than 19,000 "likes" have been recorded.


For details, contact Sarah Henderson on 0429 294 262.


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