Kidsafe Day Draws Attention to Driveway Deaths

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25 Oct 2011


The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) is today supporting National Kidsafe Day and the launch of their national campaign focusing on the prevention of toddler driveway deaths.

On average, one Australian child dies each month in a driveway run over.

Kidsafe research shows that most driveway run-overs occur in or near the home of the child who is hit, or at a friend or family members' home.

Six children have been killed in Victorian driveways in the past 18 months.

Incidents usually involve children aged five or under, and most of them occur in the morning between 8 and 10am (31%), or in the late afternoon between 4pm and 6pm (46%).

The TAC has provided $20,000 funding to the Victorian branch of Kidsafe via their Community Road Safety Grants program for the prevention campaign.

The following safety tips have been developed by Kidsafe to help prevent driveway runovers:

  • Never leave young children alone to play near parked or moving vehicles.
  • Treat the driveway like a road; avoid allowing children to use the driveway as a play area.
  • If there is only one adult at home and a vehicle needs to be moved, ensure children are placed in the vehicle and restrained correctly while it is moved.
  • If you are buying a new vehicle, consider buying one fitted with reversing sensors or reversing cameras.

More tips can be found on the Kidsafe website at

TAC Road Safety Manager Samantha Cockfield said today’s launch of the campaign to prevent driveway run-overs was timely.

"Recently we've seen several tragic incidents involving young children killed in driveway run-overs here and interstate," Ms Cockfield said.

"These incidents have devastating effects on young families and we support Kidsafe's efforts in working to prevent them."

To kick-start the program, Kidsafe are today issuing 95,000 vehicle stickers reminding parents to be vigilant when young children are playing near driveways.

The campaign will launched at 12.30pm today in Melbourne with the Minister for Children, Wendy Lovell.

More information about the TAC’s Community Road Safety Grants Program can be found online at 

For further information please contact Sarah Henderson on 0429 294 262.


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