Premier launches print partnership urging country communities to talk the road toll down

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05 Oct 2011

MEDIA RELEASE: Wednesday 5 October 2011

Premier Ted Baillieu today launched a new campaign that will urge country communities to Talk the Toll Down under a new partnership between 60 of Victoria's regional newspapers and the Transport Accident Commission (TAC).

Mr Baillieu launched the campaign at The Courier offices in Ballarat, urging Victorians to help slash the regional road toll by encouraging each other to be safe on the roads.

It is the first time the TAC has undertaken an extensive print campaign across regional Victoria.

"The TAC and its partner newspapers will be urging regional Victorians to talk the road toll down," Mr Baillieu said.

"We're calling on regional Victorians to take ownership of the road safety issue in their community and pull each other up on bad behaviour.

"It's up to all of us to do our part to reduce the road toll," Mr Baillieu said.

Addressing a gathering of regional newspaper editors for the launch, Mr Baillieu said while the TAC, its road safety partners and the government were working together to improve road safety, it was also up to communities, especially drivers, to take responsibility to help reduce the road toll.

"Open discussions between friends and families can have a greater impact than being told what to do by the authorities," Mr Baillieu said.

The TAC’s regional research has revealed that country Victorians are more likely to think they can get away with risky behaviour on our roads.

"People often think the bush telegraph will help them avoid booze buses, but it’s time the bush telegraph had a positive impact on road safety," Mr Baillieu said.

More than half of the fatal crashes in Victoria occur outside the metropolitan area.

Talk the toll down


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