Statement from TAC's CEO regarding Herald Sun article

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13 Jun 2011

MEDIA RELEASE: 13th June 2011

Statement from TAC's CEO regarding Herald Sun article

In today's Herald Sun I declared that I had received a speeding infringement.

The infringement stated I had been detected for travelling at an alleged speed of 54 kilometres per hour in a 50 zone.

I felt it was in the public's interest to know that I had been caught speeding, and I wanted to apologise to the community for my carelessness.

Receiving the speeding infringement surprised and shocked me because I take the issue of speeding very seriously, and as the leader of Victoria's premier road safety agency I was extremely disappointed in myself.

I do not back down from my comments that any TAC staff member who speeds is undermining our state's road safety strategy – and I acknowledge that in my case, it is even more unacceptable.

Speed is the biggest killer on our roads, and changing the community's attitude towards low-level speeding in particular is the TAC's biggest challenge. I accept that my infringement does not help our cause to create this change.

For years the TAC have said that travelling "just a little bit over" the speed limit could prove deadly, and I am aware that my mistake could have had far worse consequences.

As a community, we need to work together to reduce road trauma and slowing down is just one way we will achieve this.

I hope you will accept my apology and like me, make it your priority to take extra care on the roads.

Yours sincerely

Janet Dore
Chief Executive Officer
Transport Accident Commission


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