Thingle Toodle's Helmet Rap a hit with kids

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27 Oct 2011


The latest Transport Accident Commission (TAC) Thingle Toodle ad was launched at the Melbourne Museum with the help of more than 100 children yesterday.

The ad is part of the new VicRoads Early Childhood Traffic Safety Education delivery model of which TAC is a partner. 

Thingle Toodle is a road safety mascot who helps deliver life-saving messages to pre-school aged children and their parents.

More than 100 children aged three and under joined Thingle Toodle himself at the launch, during the Romp & Stomp Fun Day for Children at Melbourne Museum.

Minister for Roads Terry Mulder launched the ad and spoke about the importance of road safety education for pre-school aged children.

Thingle Toodle's latest advertisement is set to a rap song, reminding parents and children that they must wear a helmet when riding a bike or a scooter.

TAC Road Safety Manager Samantha Cockfield said a helmet could greatly reduce the risk of head injury.

"Encourage your child to start wearing a helmet from an early age, on their first ride," Ms Cockfield said.

"Ensure that a helmet is always worn properly when riding a bicycle – it should cover the upper part of the forehead and sit level on the head."

The Helmet Rap TV ad will air from November onwards on ABC Kids TV and in cinemas during December and January.

If you have young children and are interested in learning more about Thingle Toodle visit


To book Thingle Toodle for your kindergarten, please contact Kindergarten Parents Victoria on 9489 3500 or



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