Tragic crashes a reminder to speak up

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03 Nov 2011

MEDIA RELEASE: 3 November 2011

The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) is urging young people to have the courage to speak up when they are concerned about a driver’s behaviour.

The TAC's Chief Executive Officer Janet Dore said following a tragic week on Victoria's roads, including the deaths of two 16 year old passengers in separate crashes, the Talk the Toll Down message had become even more important.

"Sadly, young drivers are over-represented in the road toll, both in Victoria and around the world," Ms Dore said.

"While there are many safety conscious young people on the roads, no matter how much we do, no matter how much we educate, some people will choose to take risks."

Initiatives like the Graduated Licensing System, school education programs and the TAC's youth inexperience and risk taking strategy are working for the majority of young people.

"Fatalities and serious injuries among young people are decreasing steadily, but we need to reach out to those who still take risks," Ms Dore said.

"In particular, we call on young people to speak out when you know somebody is putting yours or somebody else's life at risk."
"Our message for young people is please slow down, stick within the speed limit and remember you have a responsibility to look after your mates."

For more information contact the TAC's Emily Bogue on 0429 416 778.


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