Broadford Mechanic Convicted of TAC Fraud

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25 Jul 2012

MEDIA RELEASE: 25 July 2012

A Broadford refrigeration mechanic who pleaded guilty to defrauding the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) has been handed a six-month jail sentence wholly suspended for one year and ordered to pay back more than $33,000.

Brendan Douglas, 52, was convicted of obtaining property by deception from the TAC in the Seymour Magistrates Court last Friday.

Mr Douglas was involved in a motorcycle accident on 24 March 2009 in which he sustained injuries to his chest, back, neck, and knee.

As a result of the accident Mr Douglas submitted a TAC claim for compensation, which was accepted, and for two years the TAC paid Mr Douglas loss of earning capacity benefits.

During this time the TAC consistently advised Mr Douglas of his requirement to notify the TAC immediately should he return to work.

On 10 April 2011, Mr Douglas' benefits were stopped as a result of evidence obtained by the TAC which showed that he had returned to work performing similar tasks to his pre-accident role.

The work he had undertaken included repairs of fridges, installing air conditioning units, conducting air-conditioner repairs, replacing television sets, repairing freezers, and lifting heavy objects.

As a result of Mr Douglas failing to advise the TAC of his return to work and his false representation about his capacity for work, he obtained benefits in excess of $33,000 to which he was not entitled.

In court the Magistrate, John Smith, said that the offences were serious, involved theft of community money and that they had occurred over a long period of time.

Mr Smith sentenced Mr Douglas to six months, wholly suspended for one year, and ordered him to repay $33,565.25 restitution and $600 costs to the TAC.

A TAC spokesperson said the organisation took fraud very seriously and where there was evidence of misconduct, the TAC would exercise its strong legislative powers to investigate and prosecute.

For further information please contact: Sarah Henderson on 0429 294 262.


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