Footballers star in road safety ads

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25 Sep 2012

MEDIA RELEASE: 25 September 2012

TAC Cup players have made their mark on the 2012 season creating a suite of road safety ads targeted at other young drivers.

Each of the 12 teams has created an advertisement targeting a local road safety issue, as part of the TAC's partnership with AFL Victoria.

As the Oakleigh Chargers celebrate their nail-biting TAC Cup Grand Final win on the weekend, three other teams are celebrating a boost to their club for their involvement in the road safety program.

TAC CEO Janet Dore said the winning teams were chosen based on the quality of their ad, their contribution to influencing road safety in their local communities, and their ongoing commitment to the road safety program.

The Western Jets took out first prize with judges crediting them on an incredibly creative commercial about peer pressure when driving.

"The support from the players and their families throughout the season was exceptional," Ms Dore said.

The Murray Bushrangers took out second place for their energetic ad about the dangers of driving distracted and the Sandringham Dragons' commercial reminding people not to become a statistic.

Ms Dore said the commitment shown by all TAC Cup teams to the road safety program was the key to the success of the 21 year partnership between the TAC and AFL Victorian.

"Young drivers are over-represented in road trauma, and this competition and the work the clubs do in their communities helps us deliver practical road safety messages and enhance young drivers' awareness of staying safe behind the wheel," Ms Dore said.

"All the teams can be proud of their efforts to increase road safety and we hope their mates and families recognise the messages they are sending, and continue to drive safely."

AFL Victoria's TAC Cup competition was this year re-branded to the message "Speed Hurts" – a change that is in line with the TAC's goal of making speeding socially unacceptable.

The advertisements can be viewed at TAC's YouTube channel and have also appeared on Channel 9's TAC Cup Future Stars.

More information about last weekend's Grand Final which the Chargers won by one point, can be found at


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