Forget the Flowers and say "I Love You" with your Right Foot

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14 Feb 2012

MEDIA RELEASE: 14 February, 2012 

The TAC is calling on Victorians to raise their right foot in a gesture of love this Valentine's Day.

Speed is a major contributing factor in a third of fatal car crashes and the TAC wants all Victorians to get in the habit of sticking to the speed limit.

TAC Chief Executive Officer Janet Dore said research showed that even small reductions in average speeds resulted in significant road safety benefits.

"For every increase in speed of 5km/h above a 60km/h limit, the risk of having a crash doubles," Ms Dore said.

"So this Valentine's Day, raise your right foot and reduce your speed on the roads to ensure you get home safely to your loved ones.

"We don't want your money, we want your love."

"If you speed and get caught by a speed camera, you will be fined, to ensure you slow down," Ms Dore said.

"But I would prefer that you didn't speed in the first place.

"Show your loved ones you care, by sticking to the speed limit and arriving home safely," she said.

The 2012 road toll stands at 35 as at midnight February 12, an increase of 25 per cent from last year.

The TAC's latest research shows that people's attitude towards speeding is improving.

The percentage of drivers who say they never speed has almost doubled, from 7% to 13%. The number of people who admit to speeding "at least sometimes" has dropped from 93% to 88%, and those who speed all or most of the time has dropped from 23% to 14%.

"These changing attitudes show Victorians are starting to understand that speed kills. But we want many more than 13% of the population reporting that they never speed," Ms Dore said.

For further information please contact Emily Bogue on 5225 6450, 0429 416 778.


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