Interim Evaluation Of Victoria's Graduated Licensing System (GLS)

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31 May 2012

MEDIA RELEASE: 31st May 2012

Minister for Roads, Terry Mulder today announced some outstanding results from the interim evaluation of Victoria's Graduated Licensing System.

Mr Mulder said that the estimated impact of the new Licensing System for first and second year drivers translates to seven fewer deaths, 100 fewer serious injuries and 268 fewer minor injuries per annum.

"The reduction in deaths and injuries arising from collisions, not only saves pain and grief for the people directly affected, but also the thousands of friends and family who suffer as a flow on effect.

"Based on the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE) economic costs of road crashes, the overall estimated savings derived from the interim evaluation are over $40 million per annum." said Mr Mulder.

The Graduated Licensing System was introduced in stages commencing 1 January 2007. The program was the culmination of consultation with road safety experts, a review of crash trends for young drivers in Victoria, and importantly, extensive community consultation.

The Graduated Licensing System was introduced in stages in 2007-2008 and includes:

  • a minimum 12 month learner permit period
  • a minimum 120 hours of on-road supervised driving experience as a learner for those aged under 21 years;
  • a new and more challenging on-road driving test to get a probationary licence;
  • an increase of the probationary period from three to four years (P1 for one year and P2 for three years) for those aged under 21 years;
  • a ban on all forms of mobile use by learner and P1 drivers;
  • P1 drivers limited to one peer passenger (16 to 21 years);
  • an extension of the zero blood alcohol limit from three to four years to align with the P1 and P2 licence phases;
  • new probationary prohibited vehicle restrictions;
  • re-licensed drink drivers aged up to 26 years or on P plates must drive a vehicle fitted with an alcohol ignition interlock to prevent re-offending; and
  • a range of educational support measures.

"One of the most rewarding aspects of this program is that the 120 hours of supervised learner driving, the new driving test and the peer passenger limit for P1 drivers has had a solid impact and significantly reduced first year drivers involved in serious road trauma," said Mr Mulder.

Mr Mulder said that the efforts made by learner drivers, their parents and guardians and P1 probationary drivers are making a real improvement to their safety. Mr Mulder said that there were 23% fewer first-year drivers (18-20 years) involved in casualty crashes over and above improvements and trends for other drivers. This result is statistically significant and equates to 240 fewer drivers involved in casualty crashes per annum.

There were 31% fewer first-year drivers (18-20 years) involved in fatal and serious injury crashes also over and above improvements and trends for other drivers, resulting in a saving of 75 involvements per annum.

"The introduction of the new Graduated Licensing System has been accompanied by very promising outcomes in terms of improvements in young driver behaviour, the real reduction in fatalities and injuries, and a substantial reduction the financial burden on the community." said Mr Mulder.

A copy of the report is now available on the VicRoads website.


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