May Your Breath be Tested at This Week's Carnival

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01 May 2012


With Warrnambool's May Racing Carnival kicking off this week the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) is giving all punters a winning tip: Get a breath test before leaving the race course and avoid tragedy on the roads.

Free TAC breath tests for all race goers will be on offer at the race track this Wednesday and Thursday in a bid to reduce drink-driving across the south-west during the May Carnival.

TAC Acting CEO Tracey Slater said a team of TAC staff would be stationed at the course exit each afternoon to help race goers monitor the effect of their alcohol consumption.

"Our team will also be giving away free coffee and water, so take our wining tip and pay them a visit because it could save your life," Ms Slatter said.

In addition to the breath-testing team, the TAC will air its country racing television advertisement across the south-west this week to remind race-goers of the dangers they face if they drink and drive.
The ad, filmed at the Warrnambool Racing Club two years ago, reinforces the message "Don't bet on avoiding a breath test".

Ms Slatter said that while planning your party destination after the races might seem like a priority, nothing was more important than planning how you will get home.

"Our advice is to leave the car at home," she said.

"Arrange to be picked up, or catch a taxi or shuttle bus and that way you can avoid the temptation to drive home."

"Drink driving is a major contributor to deaths on country roads, so if you are near or over the limit, don't drive.

"It's not worth the risk of losing your licence, your life or the life of someone you care about," Ms Slatter said.

The TAC has provided these handy tips to enjoy the May Carnival safely:

  • Eat regularly if you are planning to drink alcohol
  • Alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones
  • Don't drive if you’re unsure about your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC); test yourself first at a free TAC breathalyser station
  • Remember that your BAC can rise after you have stopped drinking
  • Avoid the confusion and leave the car at home.



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