TAC and Police target Bloody Idiots during football finals

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08 Sep 2012

MEDIA RELEASE: 8 September, 2012

TAC and Police target Bloody Idiots during football finals

Footy fans are urged to heed the warning of an emotional Transport Accident Commission (TAC) campaign highlighting the tragic consequences of drink driving.

The "Bloody Idiot" campaign, running on screens from this weekend in time for AFL footy finals, portrays the effect on friends and family of a crash involving drink driving.

Print, online and mobile billboard advertisements will support the campaign with messages tailored to get the attention of football fans.

The TAC campaign begins as Victoria Police target recidivist traffic offenders in high risk areas with Operation Road BIA.

Victoria Police have identified the state's top 500 worst repeat hoons, drink-drivers, and drivers who flee police and will target them in this intense police operation over the next five weeks.

Operation Road BIA aims to reduce road trauma caused by drivers who are drug and alcohol impaired, in breach of their licence conditions and other safety related offences in high risk areas across the state.

TAC Road Safety Manager Samantha Cockfield said the TAC and Victoria Police were working together to keep Victorians safe during football finals.

"We ask Victorian families and friends heading to games in Melbourne or their local footy finals to be mindful of the TAC message," Ms Cockfield said.

"We know this is an exciting time for local clubs and towns as they prepare for the business end of the season and we ask all of you to plan your trips to and from the local footy ground before you leave home.

"Catch a lift with a designated driver who isn't drinking alcohol, or if you are going to drive, stay away from alcohol – it's that simple."

Despite research showing that Victorians rank drink driving as the most socially unacceptable behaviour it remains one of the biggest killers on the roads.

About a quarter (25%) of all fatal crashes in Victoria involve a driver or rider with an illegal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of .05 or more.

And almost 80 per cent of drink drivers killed are male with the majority aged 21 to 39 years.

"I understand socialising and having a drink is part of the Australian culture, but drink driving is no longer socially acceptable," Ms Cockfield said.

 Bloody Idiot Image 



Other Materials

Bloody Idiot Geelong(pdf)
Bloody Idiot Collingwood(pdf)
Bloody Idiot Ute Back (pdf)
Bloody Idiot Ute Side (pdf)


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