TAC Calls on Filmmakers to Reduce Road Trauma

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21 May 2012

MEDIA RELEASE: 21 May 2012

With road deaths of Victorians aged in their 20s rising to 10 more than this time last year, the TAC is today calling on young people to help save lives via the short film competition, Make a Film Make a Difference (MAFMAD).

MAFMAD, now in its 10th year, opens today and will support two young Victorians to create a short film about looking after their mates on the road.

There have been 24 Victorians aged 21-29 killed on the roads this year so far, 10 more than at the same time in 2011.

TAC Senior Manager Road Safety and Marketing, John Thompson, said involving young people in campaigns was the key to ensuring the road safety message got through to young drivers.

"We want young Victorians to speak up and have their say on how we can keep them, their mates and their peers safe on our roads," Mr Thompson said.

"MAFMAD empowers young people to create a short film that will cut through and send a message that enough is enough – we just can't accept this senseless loss of life."

Mr Thompson said the tragic deaths of five young Victorians in a crash at Penshurst last year emphasised the importance of the MAFMAD competition.

"We know that a film made by a young person will potentially resonate more with their peers than something that comes from the TAC or Government," he said.

"We're looking for young people to send us their ideas for short films that are creative, credible and above all, not preachy."

The best two short film ideas will receive a $20,000 production budget and the help of mentors to produce their film, plus $5,000 prize money.

The winning films will be shown across movie screens, on television and at music festivals next summer.

Victorians aged 25 and under can enter the competition and have been asked to submit an idea that addresses the theme ‘party in the car'.

Find out more about MAFMAD and how to enter at www.mafmad.com.au or on Facebook 

For more information contact the TAC's Sarah Henderson on 0429294262.


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