TAC Campaign Targets Party Drug Issue

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31 Jul 2012

MEDIA RELEASE: 31 July 2012

Party drug users will come under the spotlight in the TAC's campaign 'The Cell' which airs across Victoria this week.

The Cell, which includes TV, radio, print, online and billboard advertisements, addresses the issue of drug driving by highlighting the deadly effects that the use of speed and ecstasy can have on drivers.

The most recent drug driving statistics available show that in 2010, 18.5% of killed Victorian drivers and riders tested positive for cannabis and 5.3% tested positive for illicit stimulant or amphetamine type drugs.

Overall, in 2010, 37% of drivers and riders who died on Victorian roads tested positive for illegal and legal drugs.

TAC Senior Manager, Road Safety and Marketing John Thompson said despite the road toll being down on last year's figure, there was no room for complacency on any road safety issues, particularly drug driving.

"This campaign highlights the potentially tragic consequences of driving while under the influence of drugs," Mr Thompson said.

"They might be classified by some people as party drugs, but there is nothing fun about getting in a car after having taken drugs of any kind."

Mr Thompson said that driving under the influence of drugs affected the basic skills that drivers needed to stay safe: alertness, clear vision, physical coordination and the ability to make the right decision under pressure.

"Despite Victoria having one of the lowest self-reported rates of illicit drug use (13.7%) when compared nationally (14.7%), there are too many people out there who take drugs and drive," he said.

"The biggest issue with drug driving is that the effects are so varied and unpredictable, meaning you can never be sure how your body will react.

"This places yourself and all other road users in extreme danger if you drive a car or ride a motorbike after having taken drugs.

"If you choose to drive or ride after having taken drugs you really are out of your mind."

The Cell campaign runs from Wednesday, 1 August until Thursday, 6 September. The TV ad can be viewed online here.

Please contact TAC's Sarah Henderson on 0429 294 262 for more information.



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