TAC urges Victorians to look out for bikes

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22 Feb 2012

MEDIA RELEASE: 22 February 2012

Warmer weather could be playing a role in the increased number of cyclist and motorcyclist fatalities this year, the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) said today.

Five cyclists have been killed on Victorian roads in 2012 compared to eight deaths for the entire 2011. Six motorcyclists have died so far this year.

TAC Chief Executive Officer Janet Dore said that the warm weather meant busier roads and more appealing conditions for cyclists and motorcyclists.

"All road users need to be extra careful and drivers in particular, should keep an eye out for these vulnerable road users," Ms Dore said.

"We are having a mild, dry summer and we want everyone to enjoy it, but we ask that they take care because it can quickly turn into a terrible summer if a loved one is lost."

"Using the road is probably the most complex activity we do on a daily basis. Making sure we give the task our full attention will make our roads safer for everyone," Ms Dore said.

TAC statistics show that three of the five cyclists killed this year died during peak commuting times.

""We are seeing a lot more bikes than usual on the roads between 6am and 8am and between 4pm and 6pm," Ms Dore said.

"We need drivers and cyclists to be wary of each other, especially at these busy times of day when people are traveling to and from work," she said.

Motorbike fatalities are up from five at this time last year to six in 2012, which includes two fatalities this month from two separate incidents.

The latest TAC research shows that 76% of people believe it is a shared responsibility between rides and drivers to ensure motorcyclists are seen on the roads.

Ms Dore said road users should back up this belief with their actions.

"At the moment we are experiencing almost one motorbike fatality a week for 2012 and that is simply unacceptable.

"We urge motorcyclists to take extra care on the roads and drivers to take an extra few seconds to look out for bikes before taking off from an intersection or changing lanes," Ms Dore said.

The total Victorian road toll is 49 as at midnight February 21, 2012, including 24 deaths on rural roads and 4 in regional cities.


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