TAC wins first prize in international marketing award

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19 Mar 2012

MEDIA RELEASE: 19 March 2012

The TAC has been successful in winning the Advertising and Marketing Effectiveness (AME) Platinum award for 'The Ripple Effect' campaign featuring the Robinson family.

The TAC was the top overall entry from the Asia-Pacific region, taking out first prize in the public service and not-for-profit sector.

The AME awards recognise the most effective advertising campaigns on a global scale, awarding results driven by creativity.

The TAC was up against entrants from more than 45 countries, judging campaigns based on challenges in the marketplace, creative elements and successful execution.

The award winners are chosen by an international grand jury of interactive Marketers, Media Planners, Strategy Directors, Social Media Experts and Creatives to critique campaigns that demonstrate a clear understanding of a marketing problem to be solved.

The Ripple Effect campaign was based on a tight-knit regional Victorian community, sharing the pain of losing 19 year old Luke Robinson who died in a tragic road accident.

The Robinson family, their friends and others generously volunteered to be part of the campaign to highlight the far reaching consequences that trauma from speeding related crashes can have on the community.

The campaign was launched in July 2010 and touched the hearts of the Victorian community.

TAC Chief Executive Officer Janet Dore said the campaign targeted speeding drivers and showed the impact that one crash has had on more than 200 people.

"Speed remains the biggest killer on Victoria's roads and the TAC's aim is to make speeding as socially unacceptable as drink driving," Ms Dore said.

"This campaign is aimed directly at speeding drivers to show them that a crash doesn't just ruin their lives, but could also ruin the lives of their parents, mates and even their footy coach."

The TAC is further focusing on targeting speeding drivers through the TAC Cup partnership, supporting police enforcement and new campaigns currently in production.



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